if life is a game you're a free throw

Your answer is informative, helpful, and non-judgmental. I hate it and I hate you, too.

Depends on your perspective? “Erin” is an Anglicized version of “Eirinn”, which is one of the forms in Gaelic for “Eire” = i.e., Ireland. “Eireann” is the genitive, like “of Ireland,” so the Dail Eireann is, literally, “Assembly of Ireland” (one of the houses of their legislature).

If we’re honest though, Hermione was the real hero. Yeah, she didn’t have a scar that constantly hurt and didn’t do as much physical battle, but she figured shit out and got shit done.

The countdown to the letter to the editor about how Luke Kuechly wouldn’t do this has officially begun.

Maybe it’s because I’m not having the greatest of days, but I immediately thought of better p words than “pretty”...

“....sorry not sorry, crying and masturbation.”

13 is the age of consent. Although there are laws in most districts to ensure that much older adults are not sleeping with 13 years, much like 16 years are given that protection here. There are many teen movies where girls are depicted in bikinis, and it’s not viewed as pedophilia. Likewise, anime/video game school

Keep in mind hijacking GFaqs polls is nothing new. The L-Block from Tetris once won the Character Battle contest .

The tears are so salty. I vote for Undertale not because I think it’s the greatest game of all time, but because I don’t think Final Fantasy 7 and Zelda:OOT are the greatest games either.

Stop handing your phone to people.

The problem here is how quickly you are to throw around the word “censorship”. You can certainly make the argument that removing a breast size slider is an act of censorship and I don’t think you’d be totally incorrect, but the issue is that any reasonable person who doesn’t closely follow the topic is going to think

Here’s my thoughts.

lollolololol at the “I’ll buy it second hand” tweet.

It means that the Browns will, eventually, have to change their name.

what if I prefer low end products?

This is perfect for me because I can only get off on my own smug sense of superiority.

What kind of sicko pays for porn?

Relax, Robert. You’re not a Brown yet.

It’s Mississippi, they may have miscounted what floor he was on.

“He embodies your team’s nickname better than anyone else!”