Wow, final words...
Wow, final words...
Wow! I can comment on an article!
Deadspin and its commentariat was the best thing on the internet.
Daily check-in since 2008. This is going to unleash so many attorneys back to actually billing. Dear god.
Sorry, gotta get one long comment in before they shut off the lights:
So long to all the grizzled vets of Deadspin and the comments.
It’s been a hell of a decade for me on this site. It’ll be sorely missed, and the muscle memory to not type Deadspin in my address bar is going to take years to break.
Shout out to the dumbasses in charge who haven’t figured out how to turn the comments off on the subblogs yet. You brain geniuses show your asses at every possible opportunity and we’re all better for it.
I’ve lurked here since 2009 and you’ve captured my feelings about Deadspin better than I ever could’ve.
Goddamn I forgot all about this. Thanks for the great Deadspin memories
Deadspin helped me through some very rough times over the years. I’ve loved it for a long time, writers and commetariate alike, and I learned a lot from all of you. I’ll miss you. Also, thanks for making DUAN what it was, luv4allmusic!!! Deadspin forever.
I will miss this site immeasurably. Deadspin Forever.
I’ve been a regular here since 2006. My social circle doesn’t really allow many opportunities to talk sports so I treasured that this was THE place that allowed for my dumbass jokes and ridiculous takes to be heard (and even then, there were better comments made by better people).
Well I can star this post out of the grays for you. Won’t help with any future posts, but it doesn’t seem like that’s likely to be a big problem with Deadspin unfortunately.
This place will be missed. Thanks for turning the lights out today Diana.
Thank you, Diana, for this last bit of joy from this site. Much love to you and all the staff, all the way back to Leitch, for making this place what it was.
Goodbye everyone. It’s been a hell of a ride. Never made it out of the greys but that’s ok.
How strange to see comments here...
Thank you for this, I have spent all morning looking for a website to tell me who won last night’s game.