
Good thing that all you hardcore metalheads will never have to defend your self-conceit as tough guys on an anonymous chat forum (yes, I am threatening to beat your ass over not liking Belle & Sebastian; it has been an interesting day). But really the critical concept of this review is: "I am not the sort of guy who

Look, you might not be a BS fan, and you just never will be. That's fair, I can understand that. You're a big tough guy who gets in a lot of fights and always wins. What I never really got why "Sinister" is mostly critically favored over "Arab Strap." The music on the latter is much less mannered and recorded better,

Well, you can never be sure who's a gentileman if you're watching American porn.

He's just saying what everyone who likes the movie for the wrong reasons (wannabe gangsters, wannabe casual sexists/bigots) thinks.

The Coldsweat Guards?

I am acutely aware that this show is just spinning its wheels. I am also acutely aware that I don't care.

How does that work out? How is it structured? "Fuckin' prostitution, how does it work?" and all aside? Is there any moral opposition? Are there any lessons that you can pass on to other nations?

God what a fatuous twat.

…we're gonna celebrate, aww yeah alright!

As a child of the '80s, I cannot adequately articulate how much the phrase "…one of the 'Lost Boys' sequels…" depresses me.

I think it's just that his combover resembles Caine's 70s hairstyle. I must admit I thought the same thing when I first saw the picture.

Dude! The Exodus was 3500 years ago. Haven't the Egyptians suffered enough?

I've been wondering why I'm feeling down.

God, I'd almost forgotten about that piece of shit. I always knew I vaguely disliked Chloe Sevigny and Rosario Dawson for a reason.

Crazy old drunk in "the Wedding Singer": You need a prostitute!

The people who were the audience for Haggis' Crash have never heard of JG Ballard or (probably, unless they've seen the Fly) David Cronenberg.

They took our (blow)jobs!

part, dammit.

Leela: "America is art of the world."
Fry: "I have been asleep a long time."

Don't blame me, I voted for Tojo.