
Meh movie-I liked John Cusack, loved Minnie Driver, played the soundtrack to death, but something felt very slightly off the whole time, like he and the Joan Cusack character were about to be revealed as lovers or something similarly icky.

He was a good child actor. As an adult he just seems like a piece of angry plastic.

The Breeders were awesome. If anything, I'd take that as a compliment.

Snuke, anyone?

It's defensible in that one of the two parties that believes or disbelieved in X, Y, and Z are going to be in power until the day we all die. As an individual in a consumerist society, you're used to having options; whether your car has heated seats and power windows or not, sprinkles or M&Ms on your ice cream.

No, but apparently the GOP congress does.

That would be the most epic example of "taking one for the team" in all of history.

I thought Fat Albert came first…

I suppose that's what Hillary Clinton says to herself so that she can go to sleep at night.

Marie Antoinette saying "Let them eat cake" about the starving French was a fake news story.

White people from Michigan be fucked up, yo.

That "57 Counties" meme is false. It is untrue. You are wrong about it.

They probably wouldn't be "into" him, though, if everything I've ever heard about upper-crust ladies' sports is true…

Time for another late 19th century mashup: Around the World (As I Lay Dying) in 80 Days.

So what's it like being the emotionless, soul-deprived shell of a human being? Do you bump into lampposts a lot?

Sure, gay marriage is cool, but it was an interracial lesbian marriage! I for one am outraged at this wanton display of Sapphic miscegenation! For shame, Hollywoo! For shame! 8869!

I'm afraid I'm not seeing the distinction between objectification and sexualisation. I wouldn't see anything wrong with the sentence you quote above if it was completed: "I see my partner as a sexual object AND…as an emotional anchor, financial partner, co-parent, etc." The "hens" I'm talking about above are my

That is a dump truck of moldering codswallop. Women, when free/privileged enough to do so, ogle and objectify just as eagerly as men. I see it every year at the family Super Bowl party when the married hens ignore their pasty husbands and get all flushed about the athletes in their tights. I assure you, they're not

Ah, yes: the old "hitchhiker" gambit…

I would have thought it was the other way around. Isn't that sentiment ("I could [should?] change my life to better suit your mood") basically all that white conservatives desire from minorities?