
If I ever need to feel young for a minute, I put on the Korea Girl record.

"Goddamn, that is fucked up." -My reaction to every Solondz movie ever.

The Howling 2 was so far off the rails it was like trying to explain the concept of trains to uncontacted Amazonian tribesmen. I had to check with my girlfriend to see if we had seen the same thing or if I had started hallucinating a disconnected succession of vaguely werewolf-affiliated scenes.

Something tells me this guy's still waiting for them to appear.

Pedant alert: the boy in Empire was actually Japanese (he was a frustrated kamikaze pilot).

No tension. No unease.

I am unwilling to defend or apologize for a non-racial, nonspecific slur that I once saw in a comic book and adopted for my own (Strangers in Paradise, if you're interested -take it up with Terry Moore ). I will defend the proposition that Cameron Esposito is not an especially penetrating thinker.

It snows in the Atlas mountains too, ning-nong.Though they probably wouldn't cotton to too much Christmas BS.

Jacksonville Cold Case Squad? The Great Impromptu Jaguars Banner Case of 1995 has just been re-opened. Officers are converging on the scene. Remember, before he (sniff…) died, the Sarge said he didn't want any arrests on this one-repeat, suspects are not to be apprehended alive. Go in hot and mean, shoot first and let

They have so many great songs. "Station approach" is my go-to when I need to feel invincible, or at least smarter than I am. "Grace under Pressure," "Buttons and Zips", "I Got your Number"…They've been a bit too Coldplay-ish on their last few but
I would gladly attend the hell out of one of their shows if they got any

Everyone's a winner, baby, that's for sure…

It's a better way to spend your 70s than zoning out in front of the tube like my grandpa, obsessing over minor cast changes on JAG or NCIS.

The character of Lisa broke the Lili Taylor crush I'd nursed all through the '90s. Watching High Fidelity, I couldn't imagine why John Cusack wouldn't have wanted to sleep with her and rekindle their relationship. After "life with Lisa" in this season, I could understand why.

I disagree. A documentary of this sort is a polemic work, with a point of view (not in any "biased media" sense, but in that the filmmaker has something he wants to say) and it falls to the critic to decide how successfully or unsuccessfully the filmmaker pulls it off.

So HoHo discovered viral marketing avant la lettre? Maybe he wasn't such an idiot after all (just rich, very slow and very, very gay.)

So HoHo discovered viral marketing avant la lettre? Maybe he wasn't such an idiot after all (just rich, very slow and very, very gay.)

I guess John Hughes doesn't count, in that at the time he was creating the nostalgia.

I guess John Hughes doesn't count, in that at the time he was creating the nostalgia.

This is clearly a bizarre attempt at seducing our boy The Weasel by Mr. David (no need to try so hard, but rich people be freaky like that), and/or a misguided William Burroughs-esque time machine test…buddee.

This is clearly a bizarre attempt at seducing our boy The Weasel by Mr. David (no need to try so hard, but rich people be freaky like that), and/or a misguided William Burroughs-esque time machine test…buddee.