
Haven't they suffered enough?

The answer is: Boobs.

"…and her limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Madonna!"

Yeah, didn't Ace from Stand by Me say something similar?

"Coming out Worng" - a documentry about the first openly-gay Klingon.

RE: the Rust Belt looking like 1950's area East End - I'd like Cincinatti and Columbus a lot better if they were full of Teddy Boys.

Yeah, modern Germany is pretty confined to "Sprockets" (20 years old!), whatever obnoxious techno music they deign to export, and BMW commercials.

I think the fascination with Nazis is due to the fact that an unholy army dressed like flaming homosexuals (I know about pink triangles and all that, I'm talking about unconscious impressions here) nearly brought the world to its knees. In most US movies, vanity and fussiness about one's clothes is the mark of someone

I dunno; looks like Borgnine's beaten death so far.

I thought that was Robert Downey Jr.?

RW - I think the lack of responsiveness to parental "concerns" is a feature not a bug. I suppose one of the functional purposes of local school boards is to keep brewing nuisance lawsuits out of the courts. I honestly think the smallest educational unit should be state-level, and maybe not even that small (especially

Peon - "Welcome to the Sex Truck"

Trajeado - THAT'S why we hate him. Leave 'em in the hovels where they belong, I say. He makes music?

"Ebay's a popular name this year. Little e, big b?"

Oh, so it's not just a compilation then? So I painstakingly printed and bound (with the skins of rats I caught and tanned myself) all the previous entries for my starving children thinking/kidding myself it would be "just as good," for nothing?

American ideals am stupid
This'll be kind of a long post, and more serious than most of mine (not like anyone's keeping track):

I will watch this film if it is an adaptation of this article:

They also rode in sidecars, but only on roads that were vertical as well. Side question; was Sherlock made by MGM?

Maybe the shark knows. Was he looking up at the time?

I'm sure we'll all have a moment of silence on the 40th anniversary.