
I think that most doctor's offices look that way. Also, WOOF!

Plus at this point all non-whites will pretty much be lower-class by default.

Lee said it himself - they have more brands than just Lucky Strike, and the bean-counters who have taken over since Garner Sr. had a stroke or something want all the brand to be represented by a single agency.

I think a lot of viewers sympathize and even identify with Peggy because she's been kind of the underdog in the office, without realizing that her sensibilities are just as alien to the modern day as everyone else's on the show. I think that was the point the writers were trying to make with her "civil rights"

Don't forget the Netherlands. I'll never forget getting off the Amsterdam subway stoned off my ass and listening to a hundred Dutch skinheads on the platform singing "Three Cheers for the Red, White & Blue" to celebrate a football/soccer win over Turkey.

Tyroc- What colors are the Union Jack?

Yeah, the way I like to wind down a week of potentially world-shattering revelations and panic-attack-inducing paranoia is to be locked into an un-air-conditioned stadium in the middle of summer with 60,000 teenage girls shrieking like an air-raid siren announcing the Apocalypse. WTF was up with early Beatles fans

Lane's father was a salesman, and he (Lane) pretty clearly married up. They didn't give Pryce senior a Cockney accent, but I'd say he was something of a social climber and Lane was throwing something he'd worked at his whole life away-hence the fury of his response.

Lana: I think he meant all the phony health claims about cigarettes, not necessarily hot "man-on-Lee" action. Also, I thought that line rang false: People that high up never think of it as "telling lies"; There's always some sort of BS rationalization, and Roger would react against the idea that he'd told a lie in the

Aren't all cars trannies?

Did Nancy Sinatra ever get married?

I blame JFK.

He will be killed and John Voight will assume his identity.

Also in that case I retroractively claim the poster Roger Sterling's comments, as they are much cleverer than mine.

So you're saying that one atom in MY fingernail could be…

Now there's a sexist remark.

I've always thought "naked, with a gardening hat or Fedora" was a good look on a girl.

I think the choice between counterculture guys and squares, from a woman's point of view, was a choice between Bad and Worse rather than Good and Bad.

Well, what does it matter? every single ad SCDP produces exists only to be mocked viciously on Youtube 50 years later.

I think his position amounts to some sort of emeritus status, and Roger isn't much better (signing his initials instead of his whole signature because it's too much work? I want to be Roger Sterling in my next life. Side question for our Hindu and Buddhist friends: is reincarnation consecutive, or can your soul