
Bad that she'll kill you. Good in that, hey, you got Christina Hendricks in your bedroom (or wherever you comment from.)

At this point, I'm pretty sure Dr. McRapey's death/psychological and/or physical mutilation in Vietnam is a foregone conclusion and can hereafter go without saying. He's not even coming home after basic. All the Joan/Roger shippers (I did not realize I was one until last night, as heretofore I have been violently

Drdarkeny-I thought the point of going to Thailand was that there was no grass on the field.

I thought the Navy base in Long Beach got closed and they all moved down to San Diego?

"…These are the D's I know, I know! These are the D's I know!…"

Pete Campbell walks into the men's room the next morning, still on a little high from winning his bet on the Ali-Liston fight and all the preggo-Trudy sex afterward (something about two men pounding on each other…). Now he's got it too. With a sweaty palm he opens the door to the stall, trying to point the front of

The Point
Your head

Hamm and Moss sounds like an ex-vegetarian's first sandwich. Like the show, two great tastes that taste great together.

What does Joan and Trudy visiting Snoopy's little birdie friend have to do with anything? (And anyway, Sha Na Na aside, I don't think Woodstock '69 really qualified as a gay-friendly event.)

The greatest danger of the show becoming more popular is that clueless Johnny-come-lately viewers won't get that they're supposed to be appalled and begin quoting the show ad nauseum trying to be funny. As a nation, we're still getting over every overweight middle-aged asshole with a modicum of power picturing himself

I'd imagine the show is as set-bound as it is because it's cheaper to art direct an office than an entire city block. AMC isn't made out of money, you know.

The tragedy of education is that people resent it while it's going on and miss it when it's over.

The Germans beat you to it by about 80 years.

Human beings aren't unnatural, but our way of life is.

If Coati Mundi from Kid Creole & the Coconuts was the show runner, then I would have watched even AFTER Meredith Baxter-Birney had the "this show is running on fumes" pregnancy + baby.

Apply Glenn Beck directly to the forehead.

That being said, I rather like the puppies and kitties and bunnies and giraffes (and dare I say froggies?) that are already here, and wouldn't like to wait and see what sort of the "Future is Wild" monstrosities convergent evolution would gin up to replace them. (http://www.sivatherium.naro…

So does this mean that Asians will be glared at extra hard getting onto airplanes now?

His point about overpopulation is well taken. The holding up and the terrorizing? Not so much.

What I find galling is that he went off on such an abusive, self-involved tizzy that it got my hopes up that Salvation would be WAAAAAYYYYYY better than it was.