
The whole subject has been done to death. Americans as a whole (and I am one) are as obnoxious about World War II as white Southerners are about the Civil War.

Even boobs (and there were plenty) couldn't save "A Thin Red Line"

I was joking, Mr. Corrections. I was suggesting Don work over some of the same magic on Mrs. Blankenship.

How did Don get rid of his last secretary?

Her (early) music is for obnoxious college freshwomen and the p-whipped men trying to get into their pants.

I might occasionally rape out of anger, or to illustrate a point, but as a Star Wars fan I think this is wrong.

It's the white supremacist Fantasyland now that apartheid's gone tits up.

I bet organic hippie Legos wouldn't hurt so much when you stepped on them in your socks.

Fuck that. The Ford Econoline and Chevy Vans are the lineal descendants of the Jeeps that stomped VWs kampfwagens fucking flat.

The movie within a movie Shookup Shopping Cart was Naomi Watts' first role (not a firstie attempt, it really was her first role)

What about a football to the groin? Or is that too much of a concession to the avant-garde?

Well, Supervan has a wet T-shirt contest. So there's that.

Plus the fact that SCDP has just spent thousands of dollars for her to laboriously reach the same conclusion that Freddy Rumson reached the second he set eyes on the Ponds account.

They had spam which they bought on layaway.

There must have been such people, if only for the (ongoing) ferocity of the reaction they aroused.

I dunno. I think her guilt over abandoning their kid is like a time-bomb ticking at the heart of the show. That kid is going to be some kind of fucked up.

He was just using space travel as a metaphor for beating his wife.

I think it was supposed to just be a "no celebrities were harmed" version of Andy Warhol. And then they mention Warhol by name to inoculate themselves from how lame and cowardly a move that is.

What happened to the kid, anyway?

Who later marries Big McLargeHuge.