
Sax & Violins - Saxifrage Palmer, a world famous concert violinist, does, uh something…and that's all I can think of. I'm not much of a Talking Heads fan. Oh, and fuck Todd Solondz

Caligula and Drusilla? There's a couple that took "'Til death do us part" seriously.

The astronauts in 2001 had devices that pretty much resemble iPads. Flatscreens too.

Ligeti with Meatballs, coming soon to Olive Garden!

I thought I heard a vuvuzela in the Ligeti score. I kept expecting a Star Child to score a GOOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLLL!!!!!!!

I saw BL for the first time recently and couldn't help but notice the parallel between the scene where his son is dying and HAL's death scene. The kid even says something like "That part of me is already dead," about a limb he couldn't feel anymore, which reminded me of HAL's "My mind is going." I don't know what it

Space Quest was the opposite of Star Trek, in that the odd numbered sequels were good and the evens sucked.

Chekov's gun, and all.

The fact that Kubrick zooms in on the door just to catch that label and thus foreshadow what's coming later is probably the most jarringly clumsy shot of this movie.

And the Russian woman Floyd talks to on the way to Clavius is the mother in I Claudius.

Oh yeah, sitting on my ass reading the ill-formed opinions of millions of interchangeable anonymous internet drones is MUCH cooler than rocketing across the cosmos while fighting a homicidal computer on the way to meet an ineffable alien intelligence that had a hand in the development of my own 4 million years before

RE: an Englishman in New York

Peggy=Helen Gurley Brown.

Is it just me, or is Joan not much of a character? Yeah, I mean I'd love to roam those hillsides like anyone else, but CH is kind of just a preternaturally attractive bubble of nothing performance-wise (Or perhaps her never-changing affectless tone is just true to life for lower middle-management office ladies?).

What a dispiriting appropriation of a heartwarming childhood spiritual. Plus it should be "THIS I know, because Maxim tells me so." Otherwise it just doesn't scan right. Blasphemy I can handle, but arrhythmic scansion? Never.

It's OK. You can say it. We all know "that guy" was you.

Eh, Dead Presidents was pretty solid.

Yeah, I really didn't know how to take her failed suicide attempt and subsequent crippledom. God this movie is an asshole.

Zeitgeist (if it was still 2005)
Wasn't this book about how self-doubting liberals should knuckle under and accept the Permanent Republican Majority? I suppose in five years someone will make a movie about a female Sunday school teacher accepting her inevitable place beneath a similarly insipid liberal stereotype?

Well they weren't all in the same spot in Manhattan. Wasn't the Traveler from the original "Time Machine" book in London? Doc Brown was probably in California. Bill and Ted were remarkably incurious about locales outside San Dimas. The restaurant, clearly, was at the other End of the Universe. Billy Pilgrim was