
Take THAT, causality!

A hyphen, maybe?

I never got that line - was he saying that if he ever got a boner for his son he WOULD jerk off instead, or was he saying that he ALREADY had a boner for his son and was presently jerking off instead?

I've got her pegged for soda jerk. At Jonestown.

Solondtz could film the shit out of "Burning Down the House." (Hell, a relatively straightforward pyromaniac would probably be the most psychologically healthy character he's ever put onscreen.)

Well it's hard to know for sure without knowing whether Twi'Lek head-tentacles are prehensile or not.

Does sepia and white count?

I think you could argue that trying to maintain continuity killed off both the Star Wars and Star Trek franchises creatively (interesting how the ST reboot was basically an attempt to escape 40 years of continuity nerds and wiki-bondage, while George Lucas "escaped" by basically throwing most of the Expanded Universe

It helps to picture Amy Wong in the role of Teela.

Annie Clarke is a goddess and you are a greasy, untalented hack of an actor, Victor. I swear, the worst job in history was probably wringing the sweat out of your used togas.

I think it's a crummy title because a non-geek has no idea what the fuck a "Ptavv" is, and my idea "Mind-Control Alien Conquers the Universe?" sounds too much like a Weekly World News headline.

It was in the reign of Richard Nixon that the aforementioned scriptwriters lived and quarreled; good or bad, handsome or ugly, rich or poor, "the Bell Jar or "the Catcher in the Rye," they are all equal now.

The theme of volume 1, IIRC: "It's good to be the king."

Last one I remember was in As Good as it Gets. Helen Hunt. It was nice. She was yackin' her woman-jabber at our man Jack that she'd never throw down with him mattress-wise, but her hoots were practically drilling two holes through her shirt. As Good as it Gets: more like ASS Good ASS it gets. Helen Hunt…more like


If you're saying that the dealbreaker for you to have sex with a girl is that they have shitty taste in music, let me tell you: you care about music too much. You could have had a good time getting laid and you're concerned about what a woman THINKS?! About bands that have been broken up and/or doing embarrassing side

A Show of Hands
How many of you are going to see this movie because you've had a geek-boner for Hypatia since seeing Carl Sagan's Cosmos as a kid?

I guess Planet Express is run just like every other US corporation.

De gustibus non disputandum est (There is no arguing with taste), but people who like Journey are incorrect. Their taste is indisputably wrong. Steve Perry's voice is whiny and obnoxious, the guitar work is instantly forgettable, the drumming is just there. As a band, they traffic in a cheap, insincere populism that

Yeah. Didn't adulthood used to be great?