
Well in the 70s' defense regarding Asian stereotyping, there was "The Chan Clan" (whose reruns my nephews inexplicably love, the little bastard crumb-snatchers). So if a transparent ripoff of Josie and the Pussycats with epicanthic folds counts as cultural sensitivity, there is that.

That should say "buy Kerry's story". The second Bush term sucked so much I still can't restrain my apoplexy to the point of being able to write a grammatically correct sentence.

Well, as far as the Cambodia thing mentioned above - US military reports of actions inside Cambodia were routinely falsified. F'rinstance, bombs that fell on one side of the border would be reported as having been expended in Vietnam in the official record. So I Kerry's story over a bunch of right-wing blowhards any

Iconic show
It's amazing how many posters here have Futurama-derived screen names and icons.

Or Human League, they have some good stuff. Um …League of Nations, that brings the whole thing of United Nations, and then that brings in the whole category of countries. I mean where to start? Uh, well, you know, the obvious one. Birthplace of spaghetti, and pasta, all that oily stuff: Italy. Now you go.

Yes, he never really lived up to the promise he showed opposite Tom Selleck in Runaway. He's sort of the Zooey Deschanel of the Eighties.

I think that's the tagline they used on the poster.

The song of Romance…
I still have that damned Kid Creole song stuck in my head from the sixty million times they played "The Forbidden Dance" on Cinemax in the early nineties.

"leaves behind a trail of bullet-riddled corpses and sexually satisfied women"
I want this carved on my tombstone. And after I finish my pizza, I wanna party some more.

What was that line in Broadcast News?

I believe these days it's referred to as "LGBT Cooking Implement"

Point Break is not a very good movie. Near Dark, however…

The God (or at least the common goal) that the Federation worships in ST is victorious warfare. That's it. They fight and conquer because they want to fight and conquer. It makes no difference if the asteroid that flattened Buenos Aires was launched by the Bugs or not. There was no stable equilibrium or peaceful

Keep going! I'm alm0st, (uhh uh) theeeeeerrrrrre…

They kill time.

Well, considering that robots, computers, and technology generally have subverted all forms of labor (robot arms in factories replacing blue-collar workers, computer word processing doing the work of legions of typists, CGI replacing stuntmen, international telecommunications making the managerial class essentially

Shaun of James Joyce's The Dead

Vampyros Lesbos: The Collected Poems of Sappho

The (Four) Flowers of the Twins of Evil