
MRE poundcake, however…

The ghost of Andy Rooney everybody!

Once again, the Girl Scouts are ahead of the United States government.

I'm sure he's laughing in hell right now.

Ironically, Poppycock is great for concerts.

Can I telecommute?

My shitty roommate's shitty girlfriend-person is there right now and I'm struggling not to wish ill on her.

Boy oh boy, I do love talking shit about everything I see! What about you guys?

This definitely sets back the possibility of the very necessary dissolving of Greek life on American college campuses.

"My son works?!"


That continues to this day, given how the campus still reveres both of those shitbags.

And Jerry Sandusky will be played by, you guessed it: Frank Stallone.

Not to mention Universal's new "Dark Universe" jazz that is going to be retreading much of the same ground.

Big. Balls.

Fun fact: it used to be even longer.

I like that breakdown. Also, most of the times I've heard it I've chosen to. The stations I grew up on relied on mostly Eagles and Little River Band.

Whoa. Hang on there, chief.

These are the same people who enjoy "Layla."

Whole. Lotta. Love.