
I can only hope they delve into his origins on Planet Vinci.

Yeah, vivisection and sexual enslavement aren't very neighborly.

It was bad, unsupported science. Plenty of outside evidence of societal (from parents to corporations) pressures discouraging women and people of color from pursuing work in STEM fields. The first programmers were women, so I very much doubt the issue is as much interest as it is the confounding factors of a deeply

*in history

Because he wasn't simply saying "men and women are different, ain't that some shit" he was saying, in a very biologically predeteministic way that women are not suited to the work he was doing.

Definitely read that as "kung fu meeting" initially. Either way, I'm in support.

He, and the assholes partaking in this garbage demonstration, should seriously consider suicide.

Is this going to be another project that gets hinted at and talked about but never manifests? Because I don't think I can handle that kind of disappointment again if tequila is involved. Or not involved.

The renowned spokesman for Paul Masson wine?

Latverians celebrate Doom's Day.

I could hardly speak/I thought every German was you

"a pointless arthouse exercise"

Goddammit. I'll have to watch again. I definitely wouldn't be surprised if they both frequented Bacchanalia, but at $85 a person, I'll probably never find out…

I'd watch that. Sadly, no Killer Mike cameo in Baby Driver.

No, that wasn't what I was saying. Just a side note type thing. That and he's clearly stopped working on his album in lieu of what will likely be a real turkey of a picture.

A mediocre rapper who is currently filming a heist movie in Atlanta! Takes all kinds, I guess..

It came and went. Blade would be a great property to revive (har har), but I think Marvel doesn't see any cash in it.

*roommate's face razor

Tony Roma's is a chief backer of the UAE.

That's just fucking horrifying.