
I cling to those coupons.

Jersey Mike's has cherry pepper relish for their subs. So good.

The afterlife had better include Red Robin steak fries…

Oh my god. That is the news I needed this week. I wonder if he's still looking for investors…

Terry needs his yogurt!

Baby, you got a column going.

Well, was his thing.

I can see them getting passive-aggressive very quickly. "Probably going to make those mouthbreathing nerdburgers piss and moan because I split an infinitive or some shit, C+"

Those glasses are handed out with every contract at MSNBC.

Frank Gaad could have made a decent Penguin.

Backdoor sequel to The Tingler. Heh, backdoor.

Sweet Zima

Them's fightin' words. (Not really, I'll take Ketchup over All-Dressed any day.)

Hell, half the people in this comment section hate it.

Along with a bar of Coffee Crisp, a bag of All-Dressed, and a set of neonatal hockey pads.

As God intended!

"More like the Old Man Show! This Old Man with Bob Vila! Old Manimal, Tuesdays at 8!"

And the Pope would know!

I can remember when the dominant form of life was single-celled organisms. Didn't have to worry about recaps or Walkmans or teenage pregnancy, no siree.
