
Congratulations. They played themselves.

Maybe you all are Berenstein Bears too!




You'll need to be more specific.

They keep getting him confused with Akira.

Don't blame us, we voted for kuddos.

JetBlue is the best. Them and Southwest.

Next: American-United Airlines Celebrates Merger With Infant/Parachute Game

For an article about a syrupy sweet drink, this was incredibly salty.

And such small portions!

*funky bass*

Ah, Coachella. The Mona-Lisa Saperstein of music festivals.

Apropos of nothing, a $12 Bordeaux that I bought has proven to be not worth the cost, unsurprisingly.

It is, however, a bastion of contrarians, which is worse.

KFC gravy does that in high enough quantities. Top scientists are working out the exact mechanism behind it.

As a carnival performer

I definitely agree with the very good point that is the second part of your assertion.