
and stop making superficial assumptions that nothing is wrong based on some casual observation.

This is about a company from the private sector standardising their product naming. What has it got to do with China and its efforts to hurt the language and culture of Hong Kong?

Now playing

you seriously think this wasn’t the case during colonial rule? do you really think pre-97 was better in any way? or just the final Patten years that the British polished with several coats of shiny wax to return HK to China all sparkly except to find immediately after warranty ended the economy collapsed, then while

Still doesn’t change the fact that you’re the foreigner suggesting that others just accept the loss of their culture, because hey, it ain’t your problem and it happened to you, too.

government(local) communique/mail etc also uses simplified Chinese and Mandarin.

It does seem to me like you are overreacting. Firstly, you blamed the changing job landscape on China, but such is largely due to the rise of China as an economic powerhouse. The Hong Kong companies want to work with the mainlanders, and for that, they need employees who can adapt to their clients’ needs. Chinese

Oh man, some of the Hong Kong people really do politicise everything. I guess that’s what the anti-mainland sentiment do to people.

A bunch of pro-ocholocracy youth who discriminate mainland and trying to hijack “democracy” to present their ignorance. As a Canadian who studies Politics and been to Mainland and Hongkong many times. These people are just sad. Take a look at the guy named “amazingmao” here, the things he said are truly amazingly

What you say sounds very righteous, until you notice the flaw in its logic.

“Meanwhile China took over and immediately attempt to erase BOTH languages that the locals knew”

Foreigner whose own dialect is not being diminished: “Hey, just accept it, it’s no big deal.”

But anyone who reads Traditional Chinese can also read Simplified Chinese almost by default since Simplified is just simplifications of Traditional Chinese (not to mention in Hong Kong, they also writes Simplified Chinese either intentionally for the sake of time, or just plain unintended), where most of the

I am a Cantonese-speaking Chinese/Hong Konger and I am sure you are making things up.

“ oppression of your culture”? by ask people to learn one more laguage that are used by 90% of the country? By your logic people should stop learning international language to protect their culture.

You are wrong. It’s more like If the US school system suddenly started dropping some of the Spanish classes in favor of English classes, and people in Texas suddenly protest against English invasion.

while i sympathize with them for the horrible phonetic translations from mainland China, their one-eye-closed ignorance in their arguments makes me think of them as Fox News true-faithers. eg. don’t Taiwan also use a lot of silly phonetic translations? and theirs is based on a mix of Mandarin and Taiyu. and Mandarin