
Every time you write an article like this and cry “plagiarism” ... even in jest ... where there is none, you strengthen the opposition. It allows them to go, “See ... fake news” and encourage people to ignore anything said about the President, even when it’s true.

FYI, my GF is doing this right now (I’m still fully in “What’s a Twitter” land), and they’re all being changed to @potus44 (still President Obama) and @vp44 (still VP Biden) and there are new accounts for @potus and @vp which will be awful.

Schadenfreude is almost definitely literally the only thing keeping me from crying right now. I look forward to all of the buyer’s remorse we are about to see. I don’t think they realize that sticking it to the left is going to mean they’re fucking themselves over at the same time.

They will not ever, ever accept any responsibility for this.

I think he’ll still be blaming Obama well into his presidency.

I am sensitive to their feelings.

Boy, he’s going to be effed when we get a year or so into this and he won’t be able to get by with insulting Hillary or Obama anymore. When it’s just him on stage and no one else around to blame.

So proud of D.C. Right now. I’ve seen some pics and there is nooooooobody out. The only people around are bumbfucks with racists t-shirts. (Shocker, I know).

Everyone has lied to me, everyone has deceived me… the SS has left me in the lurch. The German people have not fought heroically. It deserves to perish… it is not I who have lost the war, but the German people

My coworkers are cracking themselves up about the Obamas stealing the furniture, cause, you know, black people...

Worth noting, too, that there was almost no one on the sidewalks for the motorcade from the White House. There were actually more police/military lining tge streets than there were onlookers.

Tiny crowds to fill his tiny hands

This makes me so fucking happy. Sure, it’s fleeting, but right now I’ll revel in the schadenfreude.

Of course he’ll say “the biggest crowds ever.” In the face of video, audio, books and newspaper accounts, he’s still managed to deny, lie and exaggerate with a straight fucking face. The sign of a true sociopath.

“My crowd was bigger than Obama’s in ‘09 if you take out the people who were at his inauguration illegally.” - Donald Trump

Nice. As an aside, I am currently sitting across from two coworkers that have nothing but bitch about Obama for the past eight years mutter to each other about how “he’s our President now and people need to get over it.”

If they don’t like it, they have plenty of safe spaces they can go back to.

I’m sure he’ll say, “we had the biggest crowds ever!!” But deep down it kills him that the crowds are small, just like it kills him that he is perceived as an illegitimate president.

“Perhaps not the most educated or informed people,” he added, after a moment.

I’m not on twitter and I don’t have the technical know-how, but if I did I’d follow and set up a bot that responds with the ‘why the fuck you lying’ picture every time he tweets.