I can’t imagine having a job that requires staying up with Brietbart. That’s a hard limit.
If your gonna try and be a black woman at least get butt implants to with your boob implants..
I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I do.
FWIW, I didn’t intetpret your comment as defending racist behaviour. Asking “why was that asshole being an asshole, what drove her to become an asshole?” is an important question because, if we can answer it, we might be able to help the asshole stop wanting to be an asshole or, at least, prevent future generations…
It’s true - two sides of a story. I wish she’d get a chance to tell hers - at least we’d know definitively what the entire issue(s) at stake are...
I was giving a laundry list of stupid excuses I’ve heard to excuse racism.
I have never heard of this brand of tequila but I assume it tastes like piss, like all tequila.
I could write about how veteran, cancer survivor, community activist, and iron worker Randy Bryce announced Monday…
SOLID DEFENSE, DUDE. Can’t imagine why people are worried about your treatment of gay folks.
That last sentence, damn.
I think the problem the good judge is running into now is that most of these people misusing shade have never heard of “read” or “clapback” but they want to say something “cool” and have heard “shade” thrown around, so they go with that.
Do people just not know about the word read? I can’t understand how someone would come across the word shade but not read.
At least it’s on network television so it will be super easy to avoid.
Oh I hope so. I’ve known several narcissistic sociopaths and they are teflon, nothing ever sticks...they drop the people who see them for who they are, keep their faithful minions and move on to their new fabrications.
Park avenue Putin I’m in tears
Me: Donald Trump is a giant piece of shit who would make the world an infinitely better place by dying. When it comes to cocksucking, knobgobbling, turdburgling, and pudwapping, he is the epitome of all of them. No one before him has so embodied all of it in one complete shit-eating package.