
My mind is actually broken by this outfit.

I really don’t even know what she was attempting to go for here?

They have so much more grace and class than I could ever imagine having.

Oh god thank you for reminding me.

I heard the cheeto monster doesn’t want to take over the POTUS twitter handle but plans to keep his own because he has a yuge amount of followers.

Miguel Ferrer died. If you don’t know his name, you’ll probably know his face. [Deadline]

no snark, no fun, no claiming that we always knew kristin stewart’s intelligence was artificial from me today...because miguel ferrer died, and thats very much not ok. he didnt make one thing i loved, but he made nearly everything i loved better, and i will miss him terribly.

Tom Ford is an expert at ambiguous shade.  

I can tell you my hate for Trump will still be strong

Suppose we threw an inauguration and nobody came?

I can see you

Isn’t a child auditioning to play another murdered child kinda weird?

My kid is pretty, tho a boy, so while we get lots of comments on his looks in public, there’s thankfully little pressure to put him in one of these. My sister, OTOH, has a pretty daughter and has been trying for years to put her in shows. My dad told her that if she did, he would straight up kidnap my niece. She got

“Hey! Let’s make money off the horrible death of a little girl! Yay!”

I read the article, I generally love Reynolds’ writing, but a trailer for a movie of over exposed sad-eyed babies vying for the dubious honor of playing a *murdered* over exposed sad-eyed baby is too meta and also horrifying for me. I’ve had my fill of horror for the week and it’s not even Inauguration Day yet.

What’s with the uptick in JonBenet related exploitainment programs recently? I know people have always been fascinated by this case but it seems like within the last few months there’s some new much hyped special every other week.


Each and every one of them should be taken away from their parents.