Viva Forever

I think it’s really, really important that people who don’t come from cultures where FGM is actually practiced make sure to listen to and take the lead of women who do come from those cultures. One reason why is that outright banning FGM and strictly enforcing it in the West can result in people bringing their

It makes a horrible kind of sense. These women are basically hearing “all your suffering was for nothing” if FGM is successfully ended. They went through it—probably with no anesthetic—they’ve probably constantly dealt with persistent infection and endless pain at the very least, and they were told that it was their

YES. It’s crazy to me that there’s no mention of charges against the parents who made this happen.

No. I realize we are all limited to our lived experience, but your experience here is not analogous with what this doctor did or what people commonly refer to as FGM.

And the parents who drove their children to have this done to them.

Yep. Traditionally, it was practiced by elder women of the community. Or midwives. Likewise, in Cameroon, the practice of “breast-ironing” (which is exactly what it sounds like, and doesn’t actually work) to reduce the size of a girl’s developing anatomy was typically performed by mothers on their daughters. Or

Yes, but there’s a time and a place to talk about nonconsentual circumcision of the penis. Generally speaking, it’s not when talking about forced clitorectomies, since that’s a specific problem that has proven pernicious and needs to be stamped out.

I am not surprised in the least that this doctor is a woman. FGM is often insisted upon by the women who have themselves endured it. I’m no fan of Ayaan Hirsi but she is clear that her father opposed the procedure, and her grandmother secreted her away from the home to undergo it. As well as another case profiled on

I just read about this story in the Washington Post, and whaddya know, the comment section is full of idiot menz shouting “WHY DOES THIS ONLY GET ATTENTION WHEN IT’S GIRLS? WHAT ABOUT THE FORESKIN?”

Charles and Diana’s pairing came about for much the same reason people have disaster sex - the need for human closeness and comfort during a tough time.

Really though, what do LGBTQ folks have to do with this important parade? They would only interfere with green vomit, drunk and disorderly behavior, catcalls and bros bumping their chests in the below-zero windchill fucking New England weather and symbols of leprechauns.

Whenever I see her speak my heart breaks thinking of how I would have loved to see her as the President. Her specifically, not “a woman.”

Yeeeeah, I think we’ve got a little selective alternative memory going on here...... I also seem to recall they didn’t want her.

It’s been awhile since we’ve watched video of Hillary Clinton talking into the camera with her trademark calm, robotic cheer, and I didn’t realize how much I missed it until now.

Did you see the interview with Masha Gessen on Samantha Bee’s show? Gessen was imputing some fairly arcane motivations to Trump, and Samantha Bee basically wondered whether he was intelligent enough to devise such advance plans.

This came across my Twitter feed tonight. Somehow I don’t find this terribly implausible.

Ain’t it funny how all these white people are so concerned about “safety” and the “well-being” of these poor not-white folks, now, this week.

And also, just, like, huge losers in every way. Not just in the war and in history, but as people they were all a bunch of jealous, spiteful, no account, unaccomplished, basement dwelling losers.

On Friday, Tequila tweeted photos of herself at a private, alt-right D.C. dinner

All I’m sayin’ yo.