
Hey guys, what’s happening over here?

Would you say he went wide right?

Sounds like someone has been watching too much Cheech & Chong.

It’s comedy, not a documentary. :-)

Remember when people laughed at us when we said this administration would move to fascism and destroy democracy in the US?

I can totally imagine one of those helos flying at an F18's pace.

Umm... no. Pretty sure two F/A-18F pilots can tell the difference between a helicopter above the ocean and something strange.


What makes you the authority? Serious question. Where does your information come from? There is nothing scientific about rejecting concepts out of hand, just like its not scientific to believe everything either.

“Oh, and by the way, UFOs are real. Bye!

You can tell you were geeked while writing this piece. QUICK! SOMEONE FILE THE FIOAS BEFORE TRUMP BURNS ALL THE EVIDENCE.

Their funding gets cut, and people get fired. That is what happened to the National Park Service when they refused to fake pictures from the inauguration to show bigger crowds.

This is an excellent point.

Sounds like a lot of Reefer Madness style fear mongering to me.

As an every day smoker/driver, my 30 years of experience trump the overblown warnings against the behavior.

It really depends on how used one is to being pot high.

There are also no safe levels of PCBs and their evil byproducts, dioxin. No scientist has ever found a level of dioxin in the human or animal body that does not cause cancer or some kind of pre-cancer. It’s like some kind of perverse reverse homeopathy: You can dilute it, and dilute it, and dilute it, but no matter

Stay away from your phone is not comparable to stay away from vaccines.

I would argue that being anti-vaxxer is far, far worse as it leaves children vulnerable to diseases. At worst, following anti-cellphone silliness gets you to use cellphones less. There isn’t an actual increase in danger or potential harm in not using cellphones.

Oh so just because you’re a trained oncologist with decades of experience in the field now you’re some sort of expert? Next you’re going to tell me that you’re degree from an accredited university means more than my many years of googling and watching YouTube videos.