
Tom Brady missed the entire 2008 season bc of injury. But don’t let that ruin your lame joke.

Watch again. That was shoulder to shoulder. The Mizzou player likely had his separated.

Over both North and South America maybe

I hope everything works out for your friends and those who robbed them are burnt to death.

I would give up a kidney for game of thrones to disappear into a black hole and never return so I could never ever read another word about it. OVER IT

Terrible take. Be embarrassed.

I put my ear to the speaker and didn’t hear anything other than light static

There was nothing to hear. It sounded like light static. I don’t know if we’re being fucked with or what because that was a waste of my time.

I use Twitter to scream into the void. No one reads them but I get some catharsis

I am joining you. Fuck the NFL owners for allowing their league to be used as a weapon against their own players. I am done supporting this modern plantation system.

Actually, it’s known as being a contrarian ;)

It depends on how the brass assesses the situation. If they want a real manager, then I have no idea. But if they want to placate the unwashed masses it will be Jason Varitek. Ugh.

Off to the beach with you, to recharge!

Americans are infatuated with violence. Look at our movies, listen to our music. Our own president just said our most violent sport isn’t violent enough.

But but maybe the rich folks will open more coal mines

Good post.

“Cry into a pillow”

But we the people can’t let this shit slip. Everything has to be called out or it becomes the new norm. Trump is either going to get himself, or all of the rest of us killed with this childishness.

Great post

You clearly don’t understand what Old Glory stands for then. Maybe you should move to a country where they shoot people for stupid shit like posting that thought though