
Edmure Tully is still alive

A friend called from Japan sushi could say goodbye in case this was the Big One.

My spirits were so crushed when it was aegon not jaehaerys

He was awesome though. I adored those early 90s Braves teams. Someone above mentioned Ron Gant. I was going to say Sid Bream.... Classic stache. Pirates and Braves. Loved him.

I can remember staring at at his last name like a sailboat was going to appear from behind behind the letters. Oberkfell

Port-o-toilet? Jesus man, like we’ve got all day to say words. It’s port-o-john or port-o-let. Note the dropped syllable. You could read the Iliad in the time it takes someone to drawl out port. . O. . Toilet. I’m now dead that took so long to write and say. You murdered me. Expect to hear from my lawyer.

The aegon reveal had no impact. It was weird and anti climactic considering we’ve been waiting for so god damned long.

The love scene was awkward as hell.

I am left feeling very underwhelmed. Aegon. Awesome. Jaime, proud of you. Ice dragon mystery solved. The rest... Meh

They have the depth on the team already. This is one position they can afford a loss. Unfortunately it’s a pantheon level player.

I never thought I would be longing for comments complaining about how fast ravens and dragons fly.

If Kyrie signs an extension, this is a grand slam for Danny.

Fuck me. My kids literally just ate both of those for dinner. Well, one ate the ketchup at least.

I use one for my darter. She’s 2.5 and loves to bolt.

Thanks for the suggestion. I do love data dumps. I read Reamde which was pretty good, and will check those out!

Good call.

Or will become him/the next version of

I didn’t realize that I wanted a chain making montage, but I do now.

Shabazz Napier?

Exactly. Look at the ball, then try to hit it with the bat. Sounds like he hasn’t been doing that.