The conservatives think that liberals have the same cult like reverence for the Clintons like they do Trump. Even if Trump was caught on camera raping a child they wouldn’t believe it or care — and they think we would do the same with the Clintons.
The conservatives think that liberals have the same cult like reverence for the Clintons like they do Trump. Even if Trump was caught on camera raping a child they wouldn’t believe it or care — and they think we would do the same with the Clintons.
I’ll take every single piece of that collateral damage for the reasons you mention. Every conservative dipshit is already all, “BUT BILL CLINTON BUT BILL CLINTON!”
“further left,” and “more progressive” than anyone else in Kentucky
You lost him at “read.”
Barr looks like the kind of guy that wiggles his fingers and says, “Don’t mind if I do” every time he sees a doughnut
They love counting on their supporters selective memory or plain apathy towards equality when doing this shit. Doesn’t serve a purpose? Neither did dragging Hillary Clinton into a bazillion hearings but you fucks did it anyway.
Any way he dies, I will have a party.
I didn’t know the dad from Calvin and Hobbes had a Kinja account!
Voted for Biss in the primary, too, but am very happy with how things are going with Gov. Pritzker.
Ya know, I didn’t support Pritzker in the Democratic Primary because he was a billionaire who never held office. I voted for Daniel Biss. Now there’s still lots to be seen still with how Pritzker performs but damn he's been on a clip fulfilling campaign promises. I don't know if a Governor Biss could have done the…
Boeing oughta rename the 737 MAX 8 the 737 Biden in honor of how fast his campaign has crashed after takeoff.
If you make her outfit and hair black, she would make one hell of a Severus Snape cosplayer.
The best part is that you don’t have to go to the polls to vote for here. You can just send your familiar and a sprig of sage.
America: it knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
“Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”
Trump: “She’s not my type”
and is another impractical attempt to disrupt and distract the president from his official duties
Look, I’m not a mandated reporter, but I will call the ASPCA
Don’t come down too hard on Mayo. He’s having a rough time of it.
Barry, I appreciate your willingness to throw gas on the fire of not one (Mayo) but two (Cats v Dogs) debates that aren’t work a small fraction of the internet space that they’ve taken up.