Vitamin Shoe

Kurt Cobain would’ve made a good Aquaman, if he’d been more physically massive, anyway.

Drugs, booze, cars, fat, depression kill more people every day in America than guns. Let’s put them all on a private/subscription site so we can clean up your world for you.

Do you have a link to the embroidery thing?

The thing that makes it hardest to enjoy is just how incredibly fucking awful it is

I will say—and sort of alluded to it in the review—that A Way Out has one very clever narrative/storytelling trick up its sleeve near the end. But you have to get through a lot of subpar writing and only-passable action to get there.

He makes it harder and harder everyday to enjoy smashing pumpkins music still.

I could live without it. I guess that’s what I was trying to say.

It does tend to skew the YouTube recommendations, mind.

Oh I also subscribe to a channel where the guy reviews old record decks.

I know calling gun nuts “Rambos” is meant to mock their dipshit alpha-male pretensions of grandeur, but just an FYI that Rambo himself, Sylvester Stallone, is vehemently anti-gun:

I’ve never seen this Acceptable TV clip before, and I don’t think I’ve laughed harder at anything in a long time. My only regret is that they didn’t describe the prison prison guards as “take-no-prisoners.”

Yeah, I wonder if a lot of reviewers are just more lenient when it comes to storytelling in video games. Hard for me to say until I’ve played it, though. I’m just hoping for something interesting that I can play with my wife.

That’s how I use NYC public transit.

These days, I essentially use it as a chat room where you occasionally get ripped to shreds by incredibly competent strangers.

I’m honestly surprised to see so many people connect with this so strongly; it sounds like other reviewers had an easier time getting in touch with these characters than my co-op partner and I did.

My friends are all ones I made in the military, so when we played PUBG we spend half our time just catching up. I think I’ve played it once on my own.

Exactly, he should have just been proud of his own game and not compared it to a game not even in the same genre.

That was an annoying comparison. It’s very clearly an apples and oranges situation, it was pointless to bring up Gears of War.

Bummer, I really liked the premise of a co-op story game like this.

I think it’s fine for games to only be fun with friends because tabletop games exist, which, for the most part, are only playable with friends. If they can charge 30 bucks for those (and that’s actually kinda cheap for a tabletop game) then I think it’s fine to charge the same for a video game, which also likely costs