Perhaps the gentleman meant to say“manages to come off as less *syphilitic* than Artie Lange”, despite the fact that both are probably champs when it comes to being riddled with venereal disease.
Perhaps the gentleman meant to say“manages to come off as less *syphilitic* than Artie Lange”, despite the fact that both are probably champs when it comes to being riddled with venereal disease.
My point was less about the self-referentiality, more about the potentially condescending tone/word choice: think about the history of Southern authority figures addressing black men as “boy,” for instance.
Julian seems like he’d be a terrible Dungeon Master, and I doubt DoJu has the patience or imagination for D&D. FAKE NEWS!
plus Sizemore is a molester, but I guess you can overlook that.
Sizemore has some acting talent whereas Lange is just a gigantic wheezing piece of shit.
I didn’t think he could sink much further after the Seth Rich stuff, but attempting to defend Moore against credible allegations of child molestation for political purposes is kind of an unbelievable low even for him. And by the way, that attempt wasn’t even successful; Hannity tried to lob him multiple softballs, but…
Unlikely. Tolkien makes a point of mentionning that the Hobbits don’t wear shoes because of their furry feet. If they had wooly weenises one assumes he’d have mentioned them not wearing pants either.
*sigh* I have to go check and see if any super important servants of light are here...
Okay, so I wasn’t the only one thinking that. I was filing him in my mind in the “Should Have Been Long Gone Already” category.
Classic Sizemore.
Since this is meant to be a “Game of Thrones killer,” I assume it will be a grand, epic, far-reaching, densely plotted, overpopulated, grim, globe-spanning location shoots, fate-of-Middle-Earth-hanging-in-the-balance affair.
All I want is an ent version of the country bear jamboree.
Yeah, I would really prefer this not happen.
Swift cancellation?
“Here, the line be drawn must.”
As far as I can tell it’s a weighted combination of replies and likes (and who’s doing the liking and replying), but for some reason replies count way more than likes. So threads where people are yelling at each other back and forth float to the top and threads that are actually funny or interesting but don’t really…
Until Wilson writes a tell-all.
After Star Trek, Walter Koenig became an actor! And not just an actor, but a well-rounded person. With his own friends, and credit cards, and keys...
I really don’t get it. If it’s true that there’s a mechanism that can anchor comments, making them sink in the thread, then just make it transparent. It’s the whole “invisible hand of censorship/agenda/whatever real or imagined force you want to call it” mindset that the Kinja system seems to foster that I find…
Why Kinja Sucks #8912131: