This is fun stuff to look at. And i had assumptions about taste and regionality despite the world being flatter than ever and our hollywood being globally more invasive than most other film industries. ... ill check in on these specifics more
This is fun stuff to look at. And i had assumptions about taste and regionality despite the world being flatter than ever and our hollywood being globally more invasive than most other film industries. ... ill check in on these specifics more
Also it updated apparently... your hot snark caught it between ch-ch-ch-changes
Fletch is watchable and has a few jokes that work... Fletch lives has no redemptive qualites. I just merge it in my brain somewhere between interview with a vampire and Mississippi Burning but less funny
Haha I tried to respell it three times but Kinja blocked my futile efforts leaving my ignorance and typos at the helm
*marks down as the difinitive answer and eats a blood pudding*
Thus is why I was waiting for the chance to watch it while folding laundry and didn’t coin up for the theatrical release
You can only interview a stack of Campbell soup cans so many times before you lose your audience.
Solo is only releasing in one theater thus the name. Its actually an ensamble peice starring 50 wookies
Is the UK way smaller than my stupid American brain perceives or do they just hate movies
Before there were multiple options I used to consider “The flight Effect” for movie viewing. Where a mediocre movie became much more entertaining and watchable due to circumstances even the highly edited form most in flight movies were shown in. A “C” grade movie was instantly a “B” through high altitude and a form of…
Im just seeing this comment but other than setting and aesthetics i feel like it’s his thinnest movie and really walked out pretty dissapointed by The Shape of Water. All the social commentary was ham fisted and forced and the story beats had no momentum. It had some good moments and nice shots though
The Fletch cinematic universe died before it even had a chance... terrible flicks
Totally different things otherwise I wouldnt seek out any movie and enjoy the horror or tradgedy or beauty or comedy that life naturally affords.
Yeah the lead in media promotion of horror movies especially smaller indie ones is always a little too eager. I mean I’m only ok with it because it probably gets more eyes and ticket sales for a flick that would otherwise limp by and maybe make money after the fact. But sometimes it feels like falsely engineering a a…
Finnally a chance to see a Zork movie!
Disco aint dead baby!
Though you can watch the glorious intro of a body double skating in that empty building with a bad wig all day on YouTube
Shit I assumed that was the kind of flick where the whole thing was on YouTube
Haha mundane is the wrong word it gets good n batshit silly. It’s no Biker Boyz
Nailed it!