Vitamin C

Listen, I’m not defending Larry.

I’m not.

“I sold my friend the drugs she used to overdose, and I went to prison, but I learned *sooo* much about myself in the process ❤️”

Soy is drastically better for the environment than animal agriculture. Many vegetarians and vegans (myself included) choose to be so because of environmental concerns and not wanting to contribute in any way to the factory farming industry. If you’re interested, here’s a good infographic breakdown of the environmental

Oh thank God. I’m not the only one who hates Pentatonix.

Agree, agree. I had one friend go one way and another friend go another way and they are both happy, wise and strong.

Breast are natural and no one should feel ashamed of wanting to return to their normal state after the ordeal. It’s not vanity, it’s not “normalcy” in quotes. Deciding not to get them reconstruction is a equally valid choice, not the superior one.

It’s not a “cool” thing for me. It’s just that a cappella covers of songs not intended to be so, makes me cringe because it can be so earnest and trying hard, that it can come off saccharine or fake.

I had horrible post partum depression. Going back to work gave me sanity and allowed me to actually enjoy the time I got with my daughter. I find it harmful to tell women how they should feel about the time they spend with their children. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to go back to work earlier than

Be sure, if you sell them or give them away, to label them as “GMOs” (Gay Modified Organisms). It’s for the safety of the straights.

Typical self righteous bigot with direct dial to God who talks out of both sides of her ass. “I have so many gay friends! I mean, they’re all gonna burn in hell, but boy do they have great fashion sense. Oh, the LGBT lifestyle, with its throw pillows and cocaine parties and it’s Velvet paintings of Tammy Faye Baker.

Oh Ffs. No she certainly wasn’t there for me as I didn’t watch it. My gay white friend loved her though. That the show was popular among working class black people doesn’t negate my point.... That a shitty white guy is always going to win because there are still more white grandma types voting overall. Or are you

Isn’t the person who winds up with the superstar status on Idol these days usually no one?

A hate crime is a specific type of crime. It’s something you do against someone because of the category of person they are (a woman, black, gay, etc), not because of circumstance or other situational things.

It’s just.... rape? A man murdering a woman isn’t a murder related hate crime, it’s just fucking murder. And it’s atrocious and horrible and should be prosecuted to the highest degree. I have no idea where hate crimes came into the picture, but it’s a strange direction to go in my opinion. <— me, having no legal

I like it, but like most Beyonce-inspired tracks, there’s always one part that’s wayyy too busy on the ear. That middle bridge/breakdown section completely overshadows their lovely voices and distracts from the minimalist theme that the song sets.

Yeah, I think there’s a real misconception about the desirability of pale skin in East Asia in particular. When I was teaching in Japan one of my clients was an executive at Shiseido, she told me that the aim was always to “look like you haven’t worked a day in your life”. My own pasty Irish skin didn’t pass muster

I get what you’re saying, but I don’t think China is an overly-medicated society. I don’t think they really medicate for mental illnesses at all, they just ignore the issue all together. Sometimes people truly are sick, and they’re not helped. It’s like the opposite side of the “issue with mental health stigma” coin.

We’re talking about the woman of no discernible talent (further than good looks and a protracted virginity) or intelligence who was born into a millionaire family of privilege and then married (even if somewhat unhappily) a privileged multi-multi-millionaire Prince, had two kids that she adored and got to travel the

I know I’ll be pilloried by all the Diana-fanatics but . . . I was never able to understand why Diana was described as “beautiful” — unless princesses go by the same rule as brides and babies — who are ALWAYS called beautiful, no matter what the reality is. (Now, Princess Kate, she’s legitimately beautiful, princess