Vitamin C

The media (including sites like this one) are eating up Zika like every other disease (can’t wait for another Spanish Flu!!), but the fact is that there’s a lot of variables at play here, and the CDC and WHO have yet to fully determine cause and effect.

this comment and many others on this thread show that you are intentionally twisting my words or, to be more generous, misinterpreting me entirely. I a) never said feminism could “solve” these problems (not sure *where* you got that from), b) but what i did say is my feminism is intersectional and recognizes that

??? I believe women (everywhere) should be equal, have equal access to resources, and equal opportunity, making me a feminist. war very much limits such rights. and i think that leaders who are female should also be accountable for decisions they make that endanger other people, including women, an important point as

Like Hillary’s insults saying Sanders is old, questioning his health, saying he is to far left and does not know how to compromises.

Heck, as a Bernie fan, I can recognize that Clinton herself has overcome plenty of adversity and broken a lot of barriers for women. Same goes for Steinem and Albright.

That said, being a badass lady doesn’t protect you from criticism, particularly when you are insulting and belittling the women you claim to fight for.

I think you’re misinformed or misinterpreting something. The Hyde Amendment has prevented federal funding of abortion since 1976. Birth control funding was fought for by the Obama administration and is part of Obamacare even after legal battles took it to the Supreme Court. Obama couldn’t overturn the Supreme Court

“She got a PhD in the 1960s, when that was NOT A THING WOMEN DID.” Source, please?

Or some women (like myself) might feel that Sanders would be a better candidate to address women’s issues in addition to the many other aspects of our government. Really frustrating as a feminist to be told by other so-called feminists what my opinions are and where they derive from. It’s so belittling. Much like

No kidding? Our clothes are generally more expensive as we don’t buy as much. Women could buy like 10 dresses for the cost of one okay JC Penny men’s suit and pants on sale.

If you look up the term “genetic sexual attraction” you’ll find it was not coined by a scientist, but an adoption reunion advocate.

Parthenogenesis by humans! 2015 has certainly been a year of scientific discovery! If the embryos are truly unfertilized and haploid as a result of parthenogenesis, then maybe she does have a legal argument - the embryos wouldn’t have any of his DNA, after all.

Serious or sarcastic post? Most truffles and chocolate shop items you buy are made with melted (and then tempered) industrial chocolate because processing chocolate beans is hard, industrial style work. There are some quality industrial chocolate producers far away from the realm of Hershey, but they are still