
Dude, what are you talking about here? Do you really think it’s that easy to just downgrade graphics and suddenly have a game work on a last-gen console, and developers/publishers just are sitting on their arses not doing it because they don’t want your money and/or to see you play their game?

Yes, it’s very possible

I’m really glad that there’s a variant with C’thun representing the vanilla boss, because he’s one of the toughest baddies in all of Warcraft lore and was an awesome boss fight, but unfortunately that picture just doesn’t work for the layout.
I wonder if a cool fan art of C’thun could be found that’d fit the column

So is this like the DotaCinema of HotS?

That’s a good idea but they’d have to change the card to a different character. Nozdormu is one of the dragon aspects so it wouldn’t make sense if he didn’t have a high stat line.
They could lower his cost, though. I see no reason why he can’t be an 8 or 7 mana minion, considering that the effect is mirrored.

I hadn’t thought of that comparison, but yeah, basically it is.
I’ve been waiting for a game like this on Wii U, glad Nintendo finally made it.
This game will have a long life cycle and will likely bring a lot of new attention to the console if it blows up on places such as YouTube like I predict it will.

I’m a huge Itagaki fan and pretty disappointed to see that his first title since leaving Team Ninja is so unimpressive.
I’m starting to wonder if it was his previous team that made more of the magic happen than his direction... My teenage self is quite conflicted with how this panned out.
Because really, DoA is one of

Though I think Yannick calling HotS a “Smash Bros.-style” game is a stretch, I do think a lot of core gameplay parallels can be made between Fighters and MOBAs. It’s all about spacing, timing, and understanding your opponent’s move set.

I don’t think that’s true, though it’s been a while since I played through D3’s Story since the expac. Also, how does that cinematic not fit with the expac’s story?

The thing to remember is that this game just filled a niche. It was for video game loving kids who’s parents wanted to harness their hobbies to enhance their education... For that niche, this game was great! It was no where near a stellar “Mario game”, but that’s not what we’re talking about here.

I played Mario is

HotS, and this design, are the only reason I still play MOBAs at all.
I have over 1,000 hours in Dota 2 and I like to think I’m pretty darn good at it, but eventually chasing the near-limitless skill cap loses appeal once you’ve played it enough.
HotS is nice because it still has a very high skill cap (though not as

Well done. I haven’t seen people bite that hard on troll bait in a while.

I’m inclined to wait for the PS4 release because it’ll likely coincide with the GotY re-release (which I assume with include the DLC) but I don’t think I can.
But then again, if I get it day one then which will I play, Fallout 4 or this?
I almost wish I didn’t own an Xbox One just so the decision between the two was

Ah, well if you’re that much more familiar with CT then that makes sense.
I usually find plot-skipping glitches more interesting too but this didn’t interest me much. Causing memory overflows so that the menu screen’s intro que instead cuts to the end credits just seems lame to me.
To each his own, though.

It’s a pretty normal reaction for any woman who just got out of the water. Have you ever had that much hair? With that much, if she didn’t strain it out like that it’d be flopping about, making more noise and dripping everywhere. It makes sense, even from a tactical perspective.
It certainly wouldn’t be priority #1 but

The amount of huge glitches in recent Assassin’s Creed games never ceases to amaze me.

What, from SGDQ 2015? That’s a little different, it was a 100% run because they surpassed their max donation goal.

> and some cars from Rock ‘n Roll Racing...
I would love it if they had the balls to drop that IP into the Nexus.

Having played every iteration of WoW after vanilla casually (I played vanilla very hardcore) I feel the need to point out that Warlords of Draenor is very good. It is the best iteration of WoW to date (and it should be). It’s kind of a shame that they’re losing more subscribers (myself included, I unsubbed in June)

I can’t say I’m surprised at how many people are upset about this, but it still is kind of frustrating to see regardless. We should never be upset when a game is delayed, it means it was not ready. What we should be getting upset about is when a publisher forces a developer to releases a game before it’s ready.
It’s so

I did the same thing. Could never finish P3 because I fell too far into the grind. I’m pretty sure I was only a couple bosses from completion, too.
I’m sure if I’d taken the time to look up a guide online for the boss I was on I would’ve been leveled enough at that point to succeed with a good strategy, but I’d already