
Yasunori Mitsuda is a musical genius and this is a beautiful cover of one of his pieces.

Anyone have some bottles I can put my mind into after seeing that Pokemon run?

This sounds like it’d be messy.

I came here to basically say what you said, except I upgraded from 8.1. So far no major issues. Some weird qwerks, some of which I’m still trying to solve, but much more painless than previous “upgrade editions” of Windows.

Those visuals would definitely mess with your head if you were under the influence of... stuff.

Whoa, the Metros are free for XBLA Gold subscribers next month?? I played them on the Redux rerelease, so I was a little late to the party myself, but those are some fantastic games. Top tier, IMO.

Not that the PSN list for next month is anything to scoff at, though. I played Temple of Osiris on my 360 in local co-op

I just came here to say that, after playing this for 4 hours tonight, even if you don’t like football (I don’t) this game is fantastic.
Play it with friends, though. It’s still fun solo, but in party chat with friends it’s a blast.

The beer might’ve helped, too.

Ads in the free game? Meh, whatever. I mean, yes, it is a very simple game and didn’t have ads before, but if you look at it objectively it’s really not a big deal.
If the ads really bother someone that much, they can just Google “Solitaire” and I’m sure you’ll find plenty of web-based, ad-free variants.


Oh wow, you started late. Yeah, since they revamped the old zones in the Cataclysm expansion plus scaled the XP gains as the level cap increased further after, you can get to current end game missing a lot of the good ol’ vanilla WoW.

Don’t feel too bad, though. As someone who has played every expansion, trust me, even

I kinda like that, because they were highlighting mostly vanilla areas of the game, they did the hyperlapse in an older build of the game. At first I was like, “None of the graphical effects are enabled! The pop-in is terrible! etc. etc.” but then I started to truly remember vanilla WoW and was like, “Aw, these were

I find this comment surprising. The Wii U is definitely weak on multiplats but their exclusives are so good. Smash Bros, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D world, Bayonetta 2, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. If I couldn’t own every system and had to buy just one, I’d get the Wii U for it’s exclusives. Yeah, it

Can we all just agree that Phoenix Wright is one of Capcom’s best IPs and is totally under-appreciated?
It’s like Megaman. Just a fantastic IP and what have they been doing with it? Hardly anything, it feels like.
Yet we get a re-release of DMC4... awesome, thanks Capcom. That entry into the series was so great, I love

It’s not my favorite but Apollo’s gets propped for being the first “advanced” sounding soundtrack of them, in the timeline. You can tell that the composer put a lot of love into the tracks for the hardware he was working on.

I’ve bee playing since Beta and haven’t had canceled match connection errors.

It’s not a gimmick. Seriously. You should try it.

Hopefully it gets an international release and people buy it, this time around. I still have my copy for PS2, loved that game. It deserved more attention than it got.

rofl Void Prison can immune your own Core??
Yeah, that can’t be intended but that was still an awesome play.

Well, Nozdormu has existed since before the game went Live and people are just now figuring this combo exploit out. For being such an obvious bad idea, no one thought of it for a pretty long time.

Plus, it’s a fixable exploit. The nature of the card isn’t what’s broken, what is broken is that they allow the game to

If you liked Nintendo or not, I think we can all agree this is a great loss for the community. So many industry defining titles launched under his lead. We wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for this man.