
Have you played through the story mode of DOA5? To say this "power fantasy" only applies to the men in sexy costumes and not the women is misleading. The women in this game are portrayed to be more powerful and badass then the majority of the male cast.

You must be very unfamiliar with Dota 2. It's exactly the same regarding your quote.

Nice relevant pop culture reference.

That's pretty good that you didn't die once during your initial playthrough on Master. While I'd agree that Normal, Hard, and Expert should actually be called Very Easy, Easy, and Normal, I found that Master difficulty was actually pretty challenging when playing as a new character.

You're correct, and to be more specific the difficulty spike was at Act 2 of Inferno.

"Is it just a compulsion?"

Yes, really. Other explained it further but for many, yes.

That music though!
"Oh it's just a PSP game, huh? JUST A PSP GAME, HUH?! *que epic guitar riffs*"

It's time to stop feeding the troll, friend.

"I wish games would stop adding multiplayer components"

Is this a joke? So, just screw everyone else that does enjoy multiplayer components, or?...

It sounds like you most assuredly missed the best parts if that's all you think the video was.

In +SRSFACE's defense, Blizzard does very little in-game to explain this all. They tell the story quite well, but the setup to (and explanation of) why all these things are happening is basically, from what I could tell, non-existent. I wouldn't blame anyone who was confused as to if the Draenor expansion was

But what if I don't like the new changes? What am I supposed to do??

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thought this change was way overdue. I don't read the WoW forums so I've just been over here like, "Man, these new character models look great!" and then I read this article...

Wait, now I'm confused. Your original comment was in response to Carlos from what I'm seeing. What was crappy about what Skole said?

Did you really manage to turn the topic of realism into feminism? His argument seemed pretty obvious to me that, when so much of the rest of the game is unrealistic, why should the humans have to be realistic too?... Seems petty to try and make it sound like he was saying females aren't real humans...

Oh wow, you're still going at this.
If you can't see how all of the characters are obviously physically exaggerated to accentuate their character traits then this isn't even an argument worth having.

> Everyone else for the most part looks normal
> looks normal
> normal
... Right.

Fellow backer here, too. :)

I'm with Azuren, Monster Hunter is significantly less fun as a singleplayer experience.

I highly suggest Silent Hill 3.