
World War I is over. Can we go back to the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha now?
Who's with me?

Toy Story toys don't become sentient until they leave the box, right? That's the only way Woody wouldn't know his original owner, he was still in the box.

The greatest revelation from Head Carrier is that Charles Thompson remembered how to write a 2 minute and 30 second song again. That was along time coming.

The most important computer fx element in T2 to me was that when they did the Harley jump into the LA River it was attached to 2 1in. cables that were erased digitally in post. That way the 660lb Harley and the stunt rider would only weigh 175lbs when they landed and wouldn't be destroyed and die, respectively.

All Top Worst Songs Ever lists should start with Diane Warren and end with Diane Warren and have nothing but Diane Warren in-between. She's the ultimate go-to hack songwriter of the past 50 years.

You stupid monkey!

Wow, a "Tenspeed and Brownshoe" dead-ender. I respect your apparently deeply-held 36 year-old convictions. I'm still mad at NBC for ditching "Quark".

If Ringo kicks the bucket next they will have died in order Coolest to Lamest.

Just stop it at the intermission. That way you get a bonus French non-ending to boot.

Did you know that one of the multitude of reasons James Cameron shot on Super 35mm back in the day was because he loathed anamorphic lens flares?

70mm is the theatrical release print format. Films shot in 65mm are still in 65mm, the extra 5mm is for the soundtrack.

There were no Star Wars action figure and vehicle ads in 1977!! Kenner didn't have the figures ready until Spring 1978, hence their devious and successful "Star Wars Early Bird Certificate" at Christmas 1977. An empty box with a gift certificate for 4 figures when they were ready to ship.
Star Wars Toy History 101,

"The Lazenby Pause" is my favorite Ludlum book.

I obviously failed the due diligence requirements for an AVClub comment. My Britpop/Shoegaze card is hereby revoked.

I'm telling on you.

Having listened to both Blur and Oasis during the 90's it only dawned on me when Blur's boxset came out that Oasis really isn't a band and their discography is missing any creative arc. Oasis is the Gallagher brothers. They decided their songs would sound like the last 3 Beatles albums & the first 3 Beatles solo

"The Magic Whip, Blur’s first record in 12 years, was released late last month to mixed reviews." Um, horseshit. It has a 81 at Metacritic.
Also, no mention of the second half of 13 and the massive slab of genius it is shows a complete lack of understanding of their expansive discography. Their boxset has 18 CDs for

I'd give you a hug if it weren't for the whole poo party thing.

No Steve Albini jokes here, people?