
Who exactly are they selling to?

Maybe they just don't want you looking like a dork taking photos with your tablet?

I need a place to store my DiMeCards.

If you get close enough to a black hole, you can see the back of your head.

Aww, I need more Steam friends, and a gamepad, to get the rest of the badges, to qualify. :(

Calling it right now, friday's announcement is either...

They already said no software announcements this week. It's gonna be Valve's controller.

For $16k it had better jog.

I only wait in lines for two things,

anyone want to get high?

I'd like to piggyback on this statement and say that probably the biggest reason I never started using Apple products is not because of Apple products themselves but because of arrogant, ignorant Apple users (if you are not an arrogant, ignorant Apple user, then this shouldn't upset you). For example, people telling

I use Android instead of Apple thanks to pure, irrational tribalism, cultural distaste for the branding and self-mythologizing of Apple, and the cumulative resentment of decades as a PC user enduring the endless mockery of Apple fans.

You can have my Netflix and Amazon Prime subscriptions when you pull them from my cold, dead hands.

Cancel your phone line- save money!

Cancel your cable TV - save money!

Cancel your digital subscriptions - save money!

Now I'm rich and bored :(

Real Life...

If the NSA is actually "stopped", it'll just spawn a bastard child group to do all the same secret shit and be buried under more layers of secrecy until some other document leaks out its existence. Then it'll spawn another child group to do it, under even more layers of secrecy and more extreme threats of retaliation,

I'm starting to think the best investment I could make would be to just buy a ton of forever stamps, put them away, and then sell them in 30 years when I'm ready to retire lol

This game takes your age of empires II gameplay and turns it on its head with the starwars universe, two great franchises in one! I grew up with this myself as my first rts, totally unaware of the existance of AoE, so I'm a bit biased towards this game as apposed to what it is basically a reskin of. Just like AoE

..And lasting 10 days on a charge, and getting a signal in the middle of Death Valley, and not requiring a data plan, and T9.

Evolve, die... tomato, tomato.