
A big feature you left out is “Inverter” microwaves. Sounds like just some gimmicky, marketing “buzzword” but it has real implications. “regular” microwaves basically only ever operate at 100% power. The magnetron is either ON or OFF. If you select 50% power, it just does a 50% duty cycle. It well just be on for a few

You forgot the most important feature: a MUTE button. My current microwave doesn’t have a way to silence the SIX loud beeps every cycle and I can’t wait for the thing to finally die so I can replace it with one that does.

I watched so you don’t have to:
1 month of expenses in checking minimum

Why are these rules just for teens? Adults can be just as guilty, and long-time members who should know better infuriate me especially.

Without a doubt, it frequently does. Unfortunately, not everyone can show up looking like a white man.

Place was, and still is, the most beautiful expression of the internet. It’s amazing that so many people worked together —not just each community creating their own mosaic, but different communities joining up to make something together—and created something cohesive and positive! I remember in the last few hours of

Gonna push back on spices. Most of what you find in your supermarket aisle is pretty old, has been sitting in a warehouse for a while, and just isn’t as potent (i.e flavorful) as what you get from a direct-to-consumer outfit like Penzey’s.

Making money to not die, mostly.

(I smartened up and moved to FL)

I live outside buffalo and have gone through several multi foot storms and two seven foot snowfalls. If it’s going to keep snowing, there’s no reason to go out until there’s about a foot or so, unless you plan on being out there all day. A good snowblower will charge through a foot of light snow like nothing. I’ve

Thank you for not making this a slide show!

Thank you for not making this a slide show!

90% of millenials’ response to this article:

The last 12 seconds of the video are some big 2020 vibes.

Damn tires, interrupting my dinner, asking if I’ve heard the Goodyear news.

Too soon?

I want to argue against s1 of Orphan Black being the best season, because later seasons redeemed my beloved Helena & included the most sweet/ creepy sister reunion ever. But s1 had incredible impact that the show never quite recaptured & probably was the best

I’m 29... And I’m sorry I made a grammatical error on the internet. Guess Lifehacker will be offering me a job soon.

I support Victoria for speaking her mind, but I cannot support this take.
Dark mode is where it’s at. 

Watch and cringe as one of the brothers drops his head into his hands and bemoans, "Oh God, it's mom."