
My friend was sexually assaulted at a college party one night, so her boyfriend found the guy's home phone number and called his mother in the middle of dinner to tell him what he had done.

You had never seen a person repent so fast before.

Now playing

I'm partial to "Goddamnit, Donald!" myself.

Ctl-v in command prompt... I'm speechless.

Is it just me, or do these techniques actually look much cooler than what we see in Hollywood?

Yeah, that's nice, but how does Sean Bean die?

I really hate the trend of putting everything into video form, or worse, just linking to other people's videos, and not giving us any sort of text-based summary. I don't have the time/patience to watch 5-10 minute videos to get one answer. If I want a video, I won't be searching here/on Google, I'll be looking on

Commerce Team consensus: this is the best limited edition packaging we've ever seen. [ Under the Dome Season 1 CE]

Let's get something straight: I root for EVERY World-Destroying menace.

It's a short sequence of glyphs I use to identify myself, but that's not important right now.

This might be the best article image ever.

Probably the only black man recently to say "Oh no, I have to leave St. Louis."


As a dog, I find this absolutely absurd.

I would like to take this opportunity to confirm for the record that I am also a cat.

I keep forgetting I have that CLOUD to BUTT extension installed.... Google butt team project manager