
My PIN is 1111, but to throw people off, I type it backwards.

Google didn't get the memo about the value having being changed to 47 due to inflation and increased taxes.

I wish there was an extension that randomly opened links from my bookmarks.

Let's also hope that the game doesn't Crash To Desktop when Alt+Tabbing.

Warehouse 13, not 12

Lol thought this was some joke, but NOPE. This really happens when you type in the phrase "the xbox one is" in both search engines.

Quote: "There are six of 'em—called up, down, strange, charm, bottom, and top"

This sir, is no trailer. It is a SPOILER, I've seen all of the movie already, thanks.

The answer is not to try to hide by using the suggestions in the article. The answer is to recognize that the biggest thread and the most direct enemy of a US citizen is the US Federal Government. We created the monster and it decided that it would rather be our master. It's time to recognize that Republicans and

Is it Jelly Bean only? I'm not seeing it.

Let me use the tabs like I use filters and I'll give it a go. However if you are not giving me control over what tabs I can have or what goes to them, no thank you.

Get rid of those pesky teeth and start blending your food into mush!

Combine priority inbox and the tabs and I'll have even more reason to never leave Gmail.

Flossing is my nemesis! Is there a Lifehacker post on making floss life easier?

I had no idea that win+pause was even a shortcut. So, if nothing else, thanks for that!

Doesn't the roll of packing tape obscures the screen?

No, if I was this wouldn't have happened.

Here are the top downloads from this week.