
Thanks for the advice! I really don't plan to overclock, so I'll think about dropping the 'k'. Thanks!

Thanks for the kind words! Glad you find PCPartPicker helpful - It's been a lifesaver for me. I am planing to change my graphics situation a little bit (use a 7950 instead of two 7770s e.g.). As for the USB Headers, don't I need those to hook up the USB 3.0 on the front of the case, or am I missing something?

Okay, I'll look into that. Thanks!

That's more personal choice, and for what I've used. I quite like it. Thanks for your opinion, though.

Thanks for the input! Unfortunately, I'm at about 5 hours away from a Microcenter, so in-store pickups there are pretty much out of the question, though I have heard that Best Buy is starting to price match with them. I've had good experiences with W8 on friends computers, so I'll probably stick with that. I do plan

I'm looking to build my first computer soon, and am having trouble deciding on final parts. I've been using PCPartPicker to organize everything, and basing my decisions mostly off Newegg's details and reviews. I have never used Reddit, so I don't have the faintest idea on how to get started on their /buildapc forum.

I really have no idea what this is supposed to mean.

you could send one to me...

Stone Age is one that I've been playing with my family and friends for a while now. Quite a bit simpler than Catan, but still enjoyable!

I agree with this. I have an old nook simple touch, and after converting everything in my library to epub, used it with no problems whatsoever. On my phone, I use Aldiko.

An IBM Aptiva. Well, not mine, as my parents bought it, but it sure felt like mine! That's the first one I can remember.

Great ideas! Can't wait to try!

Two responses, two spams. Someone needs to start banning these people/bots!

I followed these instructions with my Nook, and found that it didn't really work as well as claimed. I don't know if it was just my model of Nook (I got it the day they were released) or if I failed somewhere along the line, but my overall impressions were that it was slow, buggy, and still a much better ereader than

Thanks! I'll check this out when I get home.

I was wondering if anyone had a fix for a PC not running batch files from windows explorer. I can run them fine from the command line, but when I double-click from the file browser I get an error saying that 'C:\Users\...\blah.bat is not a valid Win32 file'.

VOTE: Samsung Galaxy Player 4.2


I have an old laptop (running vista), and want to move to a SSD. I would be migrating to a larger drive, as the current HDD is tiny. I was wondering the best way to move everything (files, programs, etc.) without reinstalling windows. Any help would be great.

I own a Nook Simple Touch, and was disappointed that amazon books wouldn't work on it. Low and behold, I found Calibre, which allowed me to turn my .azw books into .epub for easy reading.