
Um... Might not work that well.

Yes, I have always set all my computers/phones/watches to 24 hour. Another high point is infuriating my friends when they ask for the time and I just show them my watch instead of saying it.

No, I hadn't seen that; looks good, though! Thanks for the tip!

I have an interesting problem. My ears have the smallest ear canals in history, and no matter what I do, in-ear earbuds will not stay in. So, I was wondering if anyone had a solution for fitting these in small ears? Thanks.

Yeah, but this just looks so cool!


Yes! As an aspiring dev, I will be waiting by my screen until that day.

I don't have Carbonite, and it let me get it. Unfortunately, I am unable to download for an unknown amount of time :(

Amen, brother

"Think about how stupid the average person is, then remember that half the population is even stupider."

I was wondering if anyone had a good (preferably free & legal) way to take the DRM encoding off music files?