@wildsman: We're not talking about slavery. We're talking about a standard of living that's different than what we consider normal. Nobody is forcing these people to apply for jobs at Foxconn.
@wildsman: We're not talking about slavery. We're talking about a standard of living that's different than what we consider normal. Nobody is forcing these people to apply for jobs at Foxconn.
To all you people whining about the living conditions I beg you to serve a tour in any branch of the US Military.
Panasonic: You sold the old DSLR and scrapped the broken Canon mini for a do-it-all compromise of a de-badged Leica. You will want a real Leica but have probably gotten over the DSLR 'bug'
Moderation! Or not, and you'll end up able to use your blood for pancake syrup.
So are these new release movies? If so I might have to move the new Apple TV to the bedroom.
Interesting. Prepping for an interview today so this was timely. Writing things down seems to work best for me. It's difficult to simulate the anxiety of an interview in a practice situation.
@gemcosta: is that what they're calling it nowadays?
@lucasway89: iPhone/iPad remote. It's pretty slick and supports touch screen input.
If those 'coffee capsules' are anything like the pucks produced by my automatic espresso machine, those clocks are going to smell like shit in a few days.
If you get a programmable remote (like a Harmony) the Comcast DVRs will accept a skip/revert command. My Comcast DVR would skip forward 30 seconds and backward 15 seconds with this method. Since most commercials are 30 seconds it usually worked out pretty well.
Her photo should be posted online too for all to see. Just sayin.
Honored to have served on one. Watching F-14s launch and recover from the crow's nest at my leisure or sitting on a lifeboat launch platform watching waves go by seemed like a surreal privilege, even in the firm grasp of the UCMJ.
Men can get breast cancer too. And die from it. Save the ta-tas.
@iSmithx: Have you seen the way farmers treat the vegetables? It's appalling.
You're building it wrong.
@orev: I agree to a point, I've had to invent tasks to get myself up and moving (ooh, time to go get the mail!) but I'd be able to control the lights up/downstairs from the comfort of my plump ass, move the music playing in my office to the kitchen when I cook breakfast or lunch, change the thermostat from my phone,…
@funkychunky: Best Eric Roberts movie ever.
@Canoehead: This sort of rational, thoughtful, logical, and mutually respectful interaction has no fucking place on the innernet.