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There's a distinct difference between someone who can eat tons of calories with impunity and someone who gains 5 pounds when they eat a hamburger. Some people have genetics that allow them to get away with an awful diet while others have to watch every bite of food.

These drones are programmed to find a safe place to land in the even they lose touch with the remote pilots. That's why it *would be* in tact if it's real. It sure would be nice if this were a trojan horse - we "lose" a drone over there and secretly monitor everything they do and say within earshot of it until we

It's all about the prep too. Take that dry aged steak, sprinkle with kosher salt and fresh ground pepper, set out at room temp for 2 hours, then 4 minutes per side on a hot grill. Perfect every time.

Well if you're looking for one of the fancier type "rain spa" shower heads they can be pricey. I think mine was $80 and I hardly ever use the "rain mode" so probably a waste. However if you already know you like that kind of shower head you could save some bucks and make it any length you want.

Damn these are cool. Too bad running hurts my knees. My fat, sweaty knees. Any elliptical trainer watches you can review?

I'll make all the snarky comments I want thank you, and that was more of a question than a comment mr internet tough guy. I did find, to my surprise, the location based reminder settings but I find that without the Siri interface they're more cumbersome than useful. I'm not wading through that many checks and clicks

Except that location based reminders don't work on previous models? And it still has *something* to do with the dual core processor on the new one.

Come on, this is the media we're dealing with. It's either a Glock or an Assault Rifle. There is no in between.

I generally buy the newest iPhone when it's released and sell my old handset on the local used market (craigslist) for about what I pay for the new model, give or take $50. I've never had to wait long for a phone to sell as it seems many people go the route you're considering to avoid signing new contracts. In my area

A wife going on vacation to Chicago in December.

Or buy a $24 iced tea brewer from Target and enjoy your tea in minutes with minimal heat added to your room.

That's not too uncommon depending on the line of work you're in. Especially considering NYC is the source.

Not saying it's revolutionary or anything, just giving my .02 on the discussion. Options are nice and we didn't have this option before on MacOS. These constant comparisons of Lion to Windows are very off base. The topic is Snow Leopard vs. Lion. Yes some of these features have been on Windows forever but that's not

You're right! Maybe soon Apple should implement the BSOD feature too!

Mail is much nicer, Mission Control is pretty sweet, full screen apps, and the ability to resize a window from anywhere. Those are the things I like best after a day.

Benadryl. Or generic Costco Benadryl. Take 2 of em and prepare for a good night of sleeping.

Man comfort and quality of life is worth something. Granted I live in muggy Florida but I even installed a window type AC in my insulated garage for $399 and elbow grease. Spend some money on insulation and a window AC or two one time and enjoy comfort for years. Keeping my garage at 75 degrees has raised my bill

Suitable for light duty perhaps but I'd be worried about the glue separating and knives/tools falling off the wall.

This article is incomplete. This tablet is part of a larger system. It docks to a special IP Telephone cradle and acts as a video teleconferencing end-point that integrates into a Telepresence environment. The tablet is a part of something larger. And most of the corporate discounts for things Cisco sells are on the