
This turd was only interesting when, as the article title suggested, I thought it was a snowmobile that could also go on water. How does this look more fun then a Jet Ski? And $12k for this, seriously?

You can get a top of the line used Jet Ski for $12k, probably two of them. I live on a lake and at the end of summer so many people unload them because they a) never use them or, b) they are rolling in bucks and just like always having the baddest PWC on the lake. The sweet spot for a decent used Jet Ski is like $5k -

Anyone who buys a Jet Ski new deserves to get ripped off. You can get two used late model Jet Skis with a trailer fro $10k all day. So many people buy them, never use them, and sell them after sitting dormant for two or three seasons.

Deal :)

I watched a Criminal Minds marathon and ate Tator Tots (love those delicious little fuckers); all in all it was a pretty good day. You?

I actually took a couple days off. I have a random acquaintance who once liked a Facebook post of mine that is having a baby; I wanted to be supportive of the birth process so I thought it best if I let work take care of itself, like a baby inspired sabbatical of sorts.

The comments section on Engadget and TechCrunch are reminiscent of defunct shopping malls somehow anchored by the last remaining Caldor and Montgomery Ward with everything in-between vast vacant swaths of unoccupied space sans a single individual selling beanie babies next to a karate place.

Nobody stopped (we’ll call him Dave) Dave from attending the birth of his child. Dave received an email, from Elon Musk, which means at some point during this “event” Elon Musk looked around and asked those around him “where the fuck is Dave?” then saw it fit to send Dave an email chastising him for his priorities as

Ohhhhhh burn! Nope, absolutely no apologies for believing other peoples children should be anyone’s responsibility but theirs. If Elon Musk is personally chastising you for missing a work function it’s safe to assume you are not the night janitor; and certainly it does not make him a “giant shithead” depending on a)

So am I. You’re probably a terrible worker.

Get over it. Nobody cares about your beautiful unique special miracle besides you. The world does not stop when people have kids, as should be the case.

What LabMD should have done when Tiversa reported the breach was hire an alternate independent third party (as in not Tiversa) to perform the incident response. Regardless of the scam being perpetrated by Tiversa, when a breach is reported and PII compromised there needs to be incident response. Had they done their

Yes, in most cases when you hire a security company you hire them for preemptive services like vulnerability assessment and penetration testing; after which usually a number of recommendations (i.e. configuration and policy changes) are purposed to reduce overall risk based on the findings of those assessments. Then

...but my answer is still no. Prisons should not be providing Facebook and iPads simply for recreation. If I have to sit in a dentist office and read a Highlights from 1994 certainly prisoners can make due without Facebook and eBooks.

Yes! That is the question I am asking. Unlike me you were able to ask it without being a douche bag. Bravo.

I need a nap now; being an anger filled cynic is exhausting.

I just don’t think prisons should be providing Facebook and iPads. All cynicism aside, I understand I do myself no service in communicating my stance through a cloud of snark (It’s been one of those rage inducing days). I could have presented my ideas in a manner that fostered healthier discourse. I actually do

You know, you actually do make some really excellent points. A larger educational component in our prison system that focused on teaching skills and instilling pride could go a long way in giving individuals hope and opportunity upon release while stemming the hopelessness that leads to incarceration in the first

My contempt is for lazy and stupid, not for people.

This was a fun talk; but I need to get back to work so I can ensure there is enough tax dollars to fight for prisoners rights to Facebook and iPads. Fighting the good fight over here, one day at a time.