
Your assessment, if true, would imply horrible operational risk measures at SpaceX. If an organization with so much at stake ($$, lives, etc.) can’t handle the absence of one employee for a day, then I don’t think they’re going to Mars anytime soon.

You sure did make a lot of assertions there. Very convincing.

like you have any idea what you’re talking about. Every word you said is bullshit, and utterly wrong. Idiot.

I am confused by this post. How is this different?

I can’t wait to see the whole Gawker network flushed right down that shitter. This place has no diversity at all, it’s constant bash the fuck out of everything not green, progressive, feminist, pro life, etc. etc. etc. Fuck this place and I hope this union gives them what they deserve.

Beyond that, these guys just don’t get it. A union works when it covers an industry, not when it covers one company that isn’t unique. If the MTA workers go on strike, that’s a big deal. If professional baseball goes on strike, thats a big deal. If the writers at Gawker media go on strike, that’s a 2 week

its not always an injustice for someone to lose their job. this is capitalism. its imperfect. if you expect unlimited job security you are in for a disappointment. obviously if management makes batshit stupid decisions, some sort of corrective measure should follow. but tacking on a bureaucracy like a union isn’t

I disagree with the “every workplace could use a union” idea. Unions were invented because the lack of employment laws. We now have those laws to protect employees. Unions only hinder businesses at this point.

as a gizmodo employee, i completely agree with you. this process is being rushed, and nobody...NOBODY on staff truly understands what negotiation a union contract looks like and what it will entail. despite what adam says below, we do not have concrete goals. we have a broad outline of goals that will no doubt be

They’ve already pressed the handle, and it looks like the toilet’s backing up . . . and nearing the rim.

Unions had a purpose prior to modern labor laws but are now nothing more than a recipe for mediocrity. I’ve seen firsthand that when the going gets tough the union protects the union.

I worked for the Teamsters in the late 90’s. They convinced us into a 10 1/2 week strike. During that time, they told us that we had to picket 30hrs a week to recieve a $35 check. They said that we could not work anywhere else during the strike, and if we did, they would dock every hour they could confirm. Unions are

Since the biggest hacker farm in the world is based out of Fort Meade this is hardly surprising. Asking America for help with computer defense is like asking a wolf to help plan your sheep pens.

The so called “real” news sites do this as well, and to make it worse they auto-play.

... or want the info and don't feel like watching a stupid video to get it.

This may sound a bit crazy, but I’ll put it out there anyway. Whenever I watch Star Trek, I clearly get the impression that it takes place in the distant future. However, when I watch Star Wars, for some odd reason that makes no sense, I almost get the feeling that it takes place in a VERY distant past. Can’t explain

Only thing that I learned from online dating is that if a woman says she hates drama.... she’s a big ole ball of drama.

Curses I have been foiled again.

I picked up a rock, and put it in a SOCK. Kneel before your overlord!

“Every tool is a weapon if you hold it right.”