
And thanks to America you are allowed to have that opinion, even if it is ridiculous. You know most people had access to news and other media before they committed the crime in the first place, and it didn’t seem to prevent them from committing whatever crime they committed. But you are right, that same access to news

Except regardless if you agree with it or not (and I don’t) selling a dime bag is a crime. Do archaic drug laws need reform, absolutely. Until that reform takes place, if you sell a dime bag you might go to jail for it. So if you don’t want to go to jail (or if you want Facebook and an iPad), don’t sell a dime bag. I

I never said I was a humanitarian; I’m somebody who works hard only to watch people consistently piggy back off the efforts of myself and others who bust our ass everyday. I don’t cry over spilled milk, especially since people like you do enough of that for all of us.

I don’t think anyone is suggesting our justice system is perfect; it is certainly far from it. But let’s call a duck a duck, prison does have a purpose and that purpose cannot be circumvented because you might stomp on the rights of the “innocently convicted”. Your assertion about all these poor innocent people in

Wowzer indeed! Because there are some wrongly convicted people in prison, everyone (including the rightly convicted) get an iPad and Facebook? Because you do understand there are pedophiles, rapists, and murders in prison who most certainly aren’t innocent? You do comprehend that correct, that registers with you?

Hold on let me get my pity fiddle and play the saddest song you have ever heard, it will be an opus to the cry of the prisoner and their lack of Facebook.

No, you’re right, prisoners and their access to Facebook is an epidemic. Good thing the EFF is all over it. If they have money to waste on bullshit like this they can stop sending me emails every other day asking me to contribute $10 to net neutrality.

Please dip shit. I don’t think every conviction is cut and dry; I think prison is prison, and once you go there you lose the right to bitch about lack of access to Facebook and not being able to play Candy Crush. Prison by it’s very nature is supposed to be unpleasant, because you know, it’s prison. Some convictions

I could care less if they’re guilty, they are still in prison. The nature or prison suggests that maybe Facebook and iPads are fringe benefits you loose when you go there. But you are right, prison should be more like summer camp and less like prison.

The real question should be why the fuck inmates have Facebook and tablets in the first place. It’s prison. I’m going to throw this out there, get ready, it’s going to be a really radical about you don’t commit a fucking crime.

No they should not, nobody should be penalized for anything. In fact they should all be given Master’s degrees from a state school of their choice as a result of their pain and suffering.

You and I both know these people are never going to have to pay a dime; the reality however is that many of them never would have paid a dime anyway. The difference being that now it does not impact their credit like it would anyone else. So I mean, it’s a win win for everyone, except of course for those who actually

So your solution is to wipe the slate clean so they can start fresh and do it all over again? Just give them a pass this one time, let them sign up for some new loans and repeat the same mistake at another unscrupulous institution of higher learning? Because what, they learned their lesson? What does that say to

I work with victims of real fraud everyday. The worst crime in this situation was one of ignorance and stupidity. People looking for the path of least resistance and the greatest return with the least amount of work. I am sure there is a prince in Nigeria who would love to speak with them.

And for the record that is exactly they expect. You can’t get the job you want, so lets sit in a plaza in NYC and bitch about it. It’s disgusting. Of course they don’t want to work over 40 hours, because you know work life balance, and the thought of a second job to cover the gap is unheard of. There is no way they

No I do not think they are on the up and up; and I think the people that AGREED to $80k in student loan debt for a 2 year degree or a certificate program in dog walking probably could have found that out by doing 10 minutes of research before they signed on the dotted line. But I agree with you, it’s not their fault,

You ability to not comprehend personal responsibility is what’s fucking baffling. But no, you are right, every time someone makes a life changing decision that doesn’t turn out so well, without doing an ounce of due diligence, somebody should step in and just make it all better. Because hey, accountability is the

I am ignoring nothing. We have just turned into a country of intolerable pussies who want a handout. But that’s cool man, you keep going though life thinking because you never become an Astronaut somehow you got a tough break. I’ll keep working hard, you keep feeling sorry for yourself.

And he would be 100% unequivocally correct. But keep spouting your bullshit.

Oh I see the light now. I don’t want be a victim of National Grid, or Time Warner, or the smarmy Credit Union that holds my car loan, so I am not going to pay any of them back. You’re right, this is fantastic! Fight the power! Rock the vote!