
Good talk everyone! I need to turn in so I can work long hours to afford luxurious aristocratic things like student loan payments. Keep it real everyone; and remember if you want it, truly and deeply want it, the universe will make it happen with no effort required on your part.

Or they pulled themselves out of the same circumstances as those you chose to excuse and resent the idea it should work any other way. But I guess that wouldn't exactly fit your brand of rhetoric.

Dude please; I made my share of shitty choices and live with the consequences each and every day. At some point you need to step up and decide not to be the victim any longer.

I call bullshit. It’s because they all expect to come out of college at 22 years old and make $100k as CEO of the next big thing. Then to their chagrin, reality kicks in, and they are shocked when someone expects them to start at the bottom and prove themselves for $30k a year. They no longer care to recognize the

You talking about me? I’m flattered. I empathize, I do not excuse. You can feel sorry for an individual’s circumstances and still expect them to own the consequences.

Yeah man, I’m gonna pick up and move to another country because a handful of asshats expect another handout. I love that argument, it’s the tell tale sign of someone who has nothing of value to say. You assert that these individuals made a choice to attend these institutions based solely on purported graduation rates?

Stay naive, person.

Oh, I’m sorry did your pride get wounded? Don’t worry the universe will make it all better, that’s how it works right? Look at it this way, pretty soon you won’t need to pay your Corinthian Colleges debt, so hey, at least you have that.

One moment, let me get my box of tissues so I can wipe away these tears...of laughter. I forgot that people can’t have nice things like degrees if it makes other people feel bad. Everyone needs to perform to the lowest common denominator so nobody’s feeling get hurt. Your message, that if you fuck up and make poor

Sorry you’re right; accredited and relatively affordable community colleges do not have art programs, or they? What they certainly do offer is transferable credits and often the support of a larger state sponsored university system that offers direct transfers for those who want to seek an advanced degree.

All the more reason to hold these people accountable for their poor decision making. Take some responsibility and research the investment of time and money you are about to make before sinking yourself into debt. Go to an accredited community college. If these same people spent 10 minutes to Google the reality of

Then you go to an accredited community college, last I checked they gave out degrees for people willing to work for them. If your school is advertising at 2AM between reruns of Robot Chicken or offering a “free” TV for perfect attendance maybe you should evaluate some of your life choices.

You must be referring to the new “American Dream” where nobody is responsible for their own poor decision making and everyone gets a trophy just for showing up. You can have it, the rest of us who actually put in the work don’t want it.

Sometimes you need to put in the hours; that’s the reality of a real job. Of course this is the new reality, people want maximum pay for minimum effort. I have put in plenty of +70 hour weeks sans the privilege of building video games. Deadlines are deadlines. If you want predictable hours and summers off become a

I only have one and I can barely control it. Two would be a nightmare.

You should probably burn down an Apple store and make your voice heard.

Is that coffee? I assumed it was some perfectly curated herbal tea blend with a hint of ginger and saffron that I probably wouldn't understand because I don’t live in Williamsburg, rock a fixie, and have a perfectly curated ironic beard.

Hipsters love irony and they adore Apple products; this seems like the perfect outcome.

I found “The Joy of Sex” in my parents room when I was maybe 8 and nobody saw me for a week. Subsequently that’s also how I learned to draw a perfect boob.

It’s all bullshit anyway. Appealing to an audience is exactly what they are doing. In the end does anyone think any of this legislation matters? Of course not; organizations like the NSA will continue to overreach and maybe (maybe) in a couple years there will be a congressional hearing where a bunch of old fucktards