
I believe a recent decision has set the precedent that although the 5th amendment protects a passcode, the same protection does not apply to a fingerprint (in respect to locking a device).

18th century, over 200 years ago dip shit. You build whatever ideology you need too, I don’t engage with people who think any means justify their ends.

All of the people from improvised neighborhoods and horrible circumstances, black and white, who worked their asses off, despite adversity, to pull themselves out of their situations would disagree with you. I went to COLLEGE via the Educational Opportunity Program, a program with largely minority admissions. I won’t

You are comparing the riots in Baltimore to an insurrection that occurred in 1794? I actually find the parable you draw and what it suggests disgusting. Baltimore is not a revolution my friend, nobody is fighting the good fight for equality by burning down a CVS. It is that very attitude that hobbles progress. I would

You have a very valid perspective; however as people, regardless of race, we sometimes need to work to create our own opportunities and stop waiting for opportunities to find us. We are fostering a culture that communicates someone should be looking out for our personal future. This is not a black perspective, this is

Vile actions, inexcusable, and deplorable. In retaliation we should probably go loot a deli, that will get our message across.

Do you believe the destruction and chaos in Baltimore is about the distribution of wealth? Undoubtedly there is a correlation between the sentiments you express and the anger felt in those communities, but is anger an excuse? Because I think it’s anarchy at the hands of hooligans who would pervert a cause in order to

And this has what to do with leveling the community you live in? But thanks for the links, I needed a good afternoon read.

Ouch...burn. Good one Gribbler.

You sound pretty angry man. You should probably find the nearest Rite Aid, steal some Oreos, and then burn it the fuck down. I mean, everyone needs to blow-off a little steam now and then.

I am still waiting on my Coin. In fact I had to find out from the interwebz this thing was finally “shipping” rather then, you know, from the actually company. Fingers crossed for September, I can’t wait to use it for two months (before obsolete) at “80%” of merchants.

I hope after the apocalypse all currency is converted to the fuckton system. I can crack a smile each time I pay 100 fucktons for a radiated apple; and being bald and scaly won’t bother me so much. It’s the little things.

The biggest oversight here (and I believe Valve said as much) was launching this experiment against a community with an already passionate and dedicated modding community. They should have started with some smaller IPs and eased into it. Provide themselves an opportunity to experiment with what works and garner

My validation for today; the article is meh, like always the comments are where it’s at:

And I am not an old curmudgeon; I am only 30, just disappointed by squandered opportunity in the face of rally cries that there are no opportunities.

Well then my sincere apologies! You work with students cut from a different cloth who approach higher education from a different perspective. Student in the US are starting to misunderstand the point of education, and colleges don’t care because money is money. Not all student of course, the real victims are those, of

OK. Well touché. But I do not observe many students, or schools for that matter, putting all that much value in education. Students have become line items on a budget sheet, a source of revenue to combat out of control spending at the hands of careless leadership. And students don’t care because…PARTY!!! Because

Ah I see, so you are invested in the process that breeds America’s special and unique little butterflies. We can agree to disagree.

Apparently; as I can distinguish that the comment is making a distinction between my experience at college and what I observe college is like where you cannot. Let me guess School of Hard Knocks, or maybe you played basketball at North Carolina?

Today, the only things colleges help develop are egocentric perspectives, narcissism, and STDs (and their bottom line of course).