
This is so true. Now every citizen is a deemed a potential insurgent.

I think it comes down to a) the mentality of many who find law enforcement appealing, and b) the “us vs. them” culture being ingrained in american law enforcement. Police culture teaches it is a war on crime, a war on terror, a war on drugs, those ideas are reinforced though the active militarization of law

I appreciate the response, but in the context is was used, the point was overwhelming clear. Carry on.

My love handles and man boobs are gonna look great in these.

And for the record I agree with you; the comment was less about Snowden and more about how absolutely bonkers our “leaders” have become. They are at this juncture capable of just about anything without remorse.

False flag (or black flag) describes covert operations designed to deceive in such a way that the operations appear as though they are being carried out by entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.

That sounds delicious. I would eat anything, including a listening device, if it’s covered in cheese...or bacon.

And you would suspect that why? If your going to be a prick, at least qualify why you’re being a prick.

It’s probably all a false flag operation to get the populace accustomed to mass surveillance so when the coming police state is implemented we roll over nice and easy.

Screed, what a great word, I need to put that in my pocket for later use. I actually agree with you, I don’t think my screed suggested otherwise nor did I overlook a nuance. My point was that, in this instance, the reaction alienates outliers who may not identify with either “side” (and I agree there is only the right

I appreciate and respect your point; but you are talking about two very different value systems that each result in intolerance. When you attack a person’s faith you cause the individual to entrench in their beliefs even in the face of reason. They stop hearing your argument and only focus on the perpetration of their

...because the actions that resulted in the bigot losing her terrible pizza business undermines the overall cause of equality, and creates further division among LGBT groups and religious advocates. You can’t expect to alter an ingrained value system overnight, and a response of this nature does not educate it

People. People are why we can’t have nice things.

Connect all the things! I agree, I would think if you could figure out how to set up Bluetooth connectivity to a street sign on your smartphone, you could probably figure out how to simply read the sign.

Oh so what, you're better then Jon Voight now?

Also, you must know some really interesting nerds...most the nerds I know pump the breaks on the blow. That's why they're nerds.

Sorta, it's like all the bad parts of every town ever, all in one silly ridiculous place. Except that silly ridiculous place never ventured past 56k download speeds so going there is a test in patience; lending to both the silliness and the ridiculousness of said place...and drugs.

In that case the individual in question should evaluate their choice in VPN vendors.

A girl who makes Mass Effect reference and loves SciFi (or is it SyFy)? So you doin'? ***wink, wink***

My police force is your police force homes. I am very much American. I am 32, so by my calculations I have lived here for almost 33 years. I have also been watching the news today, you should turn on your TV and see what's trending.