
When your police force is not armed to the teeth with an standing shoot-to-kill order, words, civility, and common sense need to be the first line of defense.

I feel like if you moved those boxes there is a solid possibility you might find a Zune on sale for $199.

I once spotted a statue of a happy Buddha playing a mandolin on clearance at Pier 1 that even discounted was still pretty expensive. A worker walked by and heard me comment I could not stomach the price for a novelty and told me to make her an offer. So I did, and walked out with a quirky 3 foot statue for $50. Ever

He's one of those people who likes saving money and getting an awesome deal? What a monster.

Is it sustainable and manufactured from renewable resources? I like my overpriced hi-def audiophile storage media to have 0 carbon footprint...

Twitter should just do what Gizmodo and its ilk do and bury comments (tweets) under so many layers of approval nobody ever sees them anyway...and yes I appreciate the irony of this comment...

All great fighting games need an Eddy Gordo.

I am hesitant to concede that leaving a network/service inaccessible due to a DDoS attack is doing anything to demonstrate security vulnerabilities. Yes, DD0S attacks can be mitigated, but if the traffic is aggressive enough it can become very difficult for security devices to distinguish legitimate traffic from

The unfortunate reality is if someone went to see "The Interview" on Christmas Day and there was even a single act of violence (even a skinned knee) as a result, America would be singing a different tune. Why was there not more security!?! Why did Sony allow the movie to be screened!?! Why did our government fail to

Good to see the Neighborhood of Make-Believe has experienced a boom in infrastructure investment since the implementation of King Friday XIII's "I Believe in Make-Believe" economic stimulus initiatives. Sad to see the deserted Neighborhood Trolley tracks in the shadow of surface-to-air missile launchers; but the

When someone makes the choice to become a police officer they do so because they desire direct control over other people. There is nothing about being in law enforcement that would appeal to an individual who did not possess sociopathic and narcissistic tendencies. We end up with individuals (young and often

Three bucks? Leave your TV tuned to TNT or TBS for a day and you're bound to catch at least three showings followed by an encore.

It's Melon, as in Thornton; proprietor not of financial services as you suggest but of clothing for the unfortunately sized. Also of "Triple Lindy" fame.

I don't think this is supposed to appeal to people's practical sensibilities. It is in fact how impractical it is that makes it appealing. It's a little ridiculous; sometimes a little ridiculous is a lot of fun.

No apology needed. Eric Holder is a piece of crap who has nothing but contempt for other humans. He is in fact, a dump c*nt.