I just found it, it was buried on Google.
I just found it, it was buried on Google.
It seems like rich people really don’t rat on each other, so the fact that everyone they were around were rich and never said anything is normal - but now there are people who are like HE IS A FUCKING TURD AND I BELIEVE IT COULD HAPPEN.
I am confused on why he is saying he wasn’t there - this puts him in a worse place if even 1 person says he was!
Found it, she was a guest of Diane Feinstein.
She has been vocal about the #metoo movement. I don’t know how she got in, but at least its in support of Dr. Ford.
... so there is Wi-Fi in the afterlife. SWEET.
It feels guilty. Like when you cry over something because you know you are guilty.
All his slobbering mouthing sounds are making me sicker than hearing someone chew.
I am tired of hearing how much he loves his friends - he dropped this same shit at his first hearing.
She is supporting Dr. Ford. That is Ford’s lawyer in front of her.
How come no one has mentioned Kavanaugh’s juvenile way of writing and reading? How is this man a fucking judge?!?!
He’s actually crying his way through his statement. I honestly feel like I am listening to a high schooler read off a list of “all the reasons why”.
Someone please tell Kavanaugh YELLING DOESN’T MAKE IT TRUE.
I’ve come to terms with the many times its happened. I just want to prevent it happening from my 2 daughters.
Candy corn is delicious. The end.